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How to complete the Invisible Heretical Rise Tower Puzzle in Elden Ring

How to complete the Invisible Heretical Rise Tower Puzzle in Elden Ring

Puzzles can be hard sometimes in Elden Ring, and even more when they are invisble, in this video and written guide we'll get you through this invisible puzzle.

The Heretical Rise Tower is one of the most unique in Elend Ring and it's definitely the one that will make you tear your hair out the most if you're not looking in the right direction. The typical error with this puzzle is to search in the area full of puppets trying to see something thanks to the snow on the ground.

Elden Ring

Heretical Rise Tower Location

The Heretical Rise Tower sits atop a rocky cliff north of Eastern Giant's Heights. You will have to go around the frozen lake to the north and then pass through different enemy camps on the way, or take the horse jump point near the jail.

Elden Ring

Heretical Rise Puzzle solution in Elden Ring

You will have to walk a long way to enter the tower, the solution is that there is an invisible bridge that leads to the tower . You have to go to the north of the map, between the side of the ravine , which is in the western Giant's Peak. By carefully inspecting your map, it is possible to see what looks like the ruins of a bridge on the edge of the cliff, and this bridge leads precisely to the tower. It is actually not (entirely) destroyed, it is just invisible. You can discover the exact route and the route to take on the bridge on the video above. Bringing your own glowing stones to test the terrain is also an option, if you want to roam it without further assistance. It should nevertheless warn you, the bridge is not a simple straight line. It eventually stops, if you go too far you will fall into the void and die. There ends up being a staircase, also invisible, that turns to the left . You can see it slightly thanks to a frost effect produced by the snow . It is also distinctly marked with messages from other players, if you are playing in online mode. Now all you have to do is climb the stairs and jump onto the balcony of the tower.

Elden Ring
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Julien bxakid

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