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Here's how to kill the Dragonkin Soldiers in Elden Ring

Here's how to kill the Dragonkin Soldiers in Elden Ring

You'll face different Dragonkin Soldier bosses in Elden Ring and here's our complete guides on how to beat them.

Elden Ring has its share of easy side bosses, but the Dragonkin Soldier is not one of them. This big bully sweeps the area with his huge arms, and it hurts really bad. Getting there won't be easy, but here's some help.

There is not only one but 3 of this boss. Overall, they work the same way, with some minor differences, like the element of their breath and their stats.


  • These monsters seem more vulnerable to Lightning damage.
  • As often, prefer summoning spirits that fight at a distance if you want to keep them alive for a while. The others will be crushed in 2 seconds.
  • There aren't any particularly notable talismans on this fight, try to gain the life and armor you need so you don't die in one or two hits.

Battle against the Draconid Soldier

Only the Draconid soldier of La Siofra allows the use of Torrent, so it is very clear that this fight was not designed to be carried out on a mount, unlike dragons. And even on one where it's an option, his arm reach and sideways movement make him a real nightmare.

Combat is pretty straightforward either way, as with the majority of gigantic enemies, your best option is to get underneath and then attack ankles and legs. Attacking the head is tempting, but it's really very dangerous and random unless you play from a distance. At least the legs are stable enough, and the boss is forced to move to attack you every time. Try to be right between the legs, but not under the boss, to limit the possibility of being crushed.

The Draconid Soldier's attacks are huge and terribly painful, but quite slow. With a little practice, you should be able to dodge them. Blocking them is an option with a dedicated build, but it's not a very profitable option.

If the boss turns around and prepares to blow, running under him again is definitely the best way to dodge the attack while still having the opportunity to inflict damage. It will depend on your reactivity and your positioning.

The Ainsel draconid behaves quite differently from the others, it performs great jumps by throwing lightning, it takes itself a bit for an ancient dragon. If you avoid them and don't stay in the electricity-affected ground area, you should be fine. By going below him (even as a spellcaster), he can prove to be easier than his congeners.

Dragonkin Soldiers Location

Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Elden Ring

This guide has been translated from MGG France by bxakid and was originally written by Raiden Robin.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!