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Elden Ring: PETA gets involved and tries to defend animals

Elden Ring: PETA gets involved and tries to defend animals

PETA strikes again in the video game industry as they decided to attack Elden Ring on social medias just recently.

PETA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting animal rights and for some time now, PETA has been criticizing video games for the mistreatment on animals. For example, Red Dead Redemption 2 faced a PETA-led campaign for horse abuse.

It's barbaric how video game makers think it's okay to shoot beautiful creatures with weapons, even those used to the ranch lifestyle. Having the main hero use weapons near horses is not only unacceptable, but there are many moments in Red Dead Redemption 2 where players go out of their way to hurt their horses.

PETA did not only communicate on RDR2, indeed other games were pointed out to denounce the animal massacre: according to VGC even Cooking Mama or Pokémon and Mario has been criticized by the group. Unfortunately, Elden Ring is also going through this, but with a much less aggressive campaign.

The 5 things to do on Elden Ring according to PETA

As if Elden Ring were a contemplative game PETA invites players to enjoy the wildlife of the game by having fun with the various rabid dogs and bloodthirsty wolves.

For the moment, no petition has been raised against Elden Ring, just an awareness video. PETA seems to be more lenient, but nothing allows us to say what the future will hold for Bandai Namco or even FromSoftware with this association.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!