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Here's how to kill Fallingstar Beast in Elden Ring

Here's how to kill Fallingstar Beast in Elden Ring

Here's a written and video guide on how to defeat the Fallingstar Beast in Elden Ring as one of the most iconic fight of the entire game.

Elden Ring has its share of annoying bosses, but very few side bosses feel like real combat quite like the star creatures. Intimidating and equipped with a very rich range of skills that are difficult to counter, it often takes a little practice to overcome them. You can encounter more or less mature, and therefore more or less dangerous versions of this boss in different areas.


  • As with other fast and aggressive bosses, equipping a shield with 100% physical damage absorption is a big help on this fight. Many of his attacks are both fast and difficult to dodge, especially during the discovery phase.
  • As a supplement, or as an alternative depending on your playstyle, this is truly a fight where Ashes of War: Hound's Step shines. Thanks to the large range of this dodge, it becomes easier to dodge the boss's large attacks, and counter-attack.
  • A ranged spirit summon is best on this fight, as the creature moves a lot. We recommend the Ancestral Disciple, but it's far from the only viable option.
  • The damage is of physical and magical types, take this into account when choosing talismans and armor. Having a character with a lot of health and a good defense will drastically reduce the difficulty.
  • The stellar creature has no resistance or special vulnerability to damage. However, you should know that it is immune to bleeding and freezing (but not frost damage). She is however vulnerable to Scarlet Rot damage, the corresponding dragon's breath is a solution, if you have it in your build.

Phase 1

  • The start of the fight is not yet too complex, the stellar creature will mainly use its charges and physical attacks. The charge is avoided with a lateral dodge at the right moment. An important lesson to take away from this fight is that the creature chains 3 charges , then it's vulnerable for a while. It is therefore necessary to pursue it after the 3rd charge to attack it, this will become all the more true in phase 2.
  • The Beast likes to give big sideways headbutts in melee, you can dodge them by sticking to it and passing to its flanks, making it possible to attack in passing.
  • When the mandibles glow, purple lightning will appear on your location. You have to sprint to dodge the 2 explosions that will follow, and possibly roll for the last one depending on its position. If you're playing in melee, take the opportunity to come back to the boss to attack him afterwards.
  • When the beast jumps into the air , it will seek to crash into you. The dodge timing isn't very intuitive, but the surprise is that you can block this attack .
  • The tail swipe is also difficult to dodge, your shield is a good solution.
  • When the beast rams its head into the ground it will throw rocks at you, again this can be blocked if you are not confident in your dodges.
  • Finally, the beast will sometimes try to catch you, it's easy to see coming since it will click its mandibles several times before. Do not attempt to block, run away or dodge.

Stage 2

Around 50% health, the beast will get angry and start to shine with a purple glow. She will add two new attacks to her arsenal.

  • The first is a huge gravitational beam that will follow you, it doesn't just sweep the area with it. This means that dodging or blocking it is very difficult. But in reality, it's easy to dodge when you know it's coming, since it always follows up with the 3 charges through the area. As soon as the beast has finished its 3rd charge, go into melee , even if you are a spell caster. Take advantage of the time she wastes channeling her beam to attack her. In the majority of cases, you can even attack it from the front without risking taking the beam, thanks to the elevation of the crater. For Sellia's Beast, go to the sides instead.
  • Finally, the worst technique in the fight is a super two-stroke gravitational smash over an extremely wide area. If you were in melee when he started charging it, your chances of getting out in time are slim. If getting out of the area is not an option, now is the time to heal yourself, or even use your Vial of Salvation (with the protection bubble, ideally). It is possible to dodge the moment when you are about to fly away, and the ground strike, but it is not easy.

This guide has been translated from MGG France by bxakid and was originally written by Raiden Robin.

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Julien bxakid

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