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Tower of Fantasy release time: When exactly can we play?

Tower of Fantasy release time: When exactly can we play?

Eastern time, Pacific time... Difficult to get used to all these time zones to understand when exactly Tower of Fantasy will be released in Europe and more particularly in France. Here's everything you need to know about the release time and date on PC and mobile.

In a week, on August 11, 2022, the long-awaited Tower of Fantasy will finally be released. Considered the number 1 competitor of Genshin Impact (which should release its 3.0 update a few weeks later), the Hotta Studio/Perfect World title offers mechanics that MiHoYo's game does not have and that is perhaps be that which will capsize the hearts of the players. In any case, more than 3 million Internet users have pre-registered to date.

Tower of Fantasy release time: what time can we start playing it?

The official Tower of Fantasy account revealed a few days ago the global release date of the game as well as its release time on PC and mobile. If 5pm PDT or 8pm EDT doesn't mean anything to you, it's normal, it's time zones other than ours. Note that it is possible to simply write a time like "5pm PDT" on Google in order to obtain the time in the correct time zone (ie that of France).

  • In France, Tower of Fantasy will be available on Thursday August 11 at 2 a.m.

    Indeed, even if the official release date is August 10, you will have to wait two short hours (and therefore the next day) to be able to play it in France.

Download it in advance!

Note that to properly prepare for the release of Tower of Fantasy, you can preload the game , that is to say download the data in advance, from August 9 on iOS, Android and PC. This will be a considerable time saver to avoid waiting for D-Day. Please note that the Steam version will not be available until the end of the year: you can however download the PC game directly via the official site.

Good to know: Tower of Fantasy is fully crossplay . So you can download it on multiple platforms and play with the same account without losing your save. Finally, know that it is always possible to pre-register on PC and mobile in order to benefit from numerous rewards.

Tower of Fantasy

Developed by Perfect World, Tower of Fantasy plays on the same strings as Genshin Impact. Landscapes of great beauty, charismatic characters to invoke via the good old method of gatcha... Tower of Fantasy will indeed try to walk on the flowerbeds of a titan. Except that this newcomer has several -new- strings to his bow. It is rooted in a decidedly more futuristic universe, and will above all be able to boast of offering REAL multiplayer content worthy of the greatest MMORPGs.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!