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Tower of Fantasy: Frigg, new simulacrum and his weapon, announced!

Tower of Fantasy: Frigg, new simulacrum and his weapon, announced!

Tower of fantasy is about to drop a new summon banner, and this one will also be highly coveted, as it will center on Frigg, a brand new simulacrum. The character is emulated on the Chinese version, and his arrival will have to be watched closely!

Tower of Fantasy begins its great parade of tempting characters in the showcase of new banners. On September 1 , Frigg's simulacrum will see the light of day on our global version of the game. Hotta Studio made the good news official today via its social networks. Frigg will therefore be the very first character added after the release of the global version, and if we are to believe the Chinese version, the simulacrum is worth the detour (especially if we compare it with the other characters available in the global) .

Tower of Fantasy






Shatter: 8

Load: 8


normal attack

Deal 5 consecutive hits with Balmung.

Aerial slash

After a jump, land 5 consecutive blows.


While holding the attack button, strike horizontally and send the target flying.

Helical slash

Activated by jumping AND holding down the attack button. When falling, inflicts damage via hits. Upon landing, deals a lot of damage to surrounding enemies.


Multiple cuts

Dodge just before being hit to trigger a Phantasia that reduces the speed of enemies in the area. Frigg becomes immune to stuns for 0.5 seconds after dodging.



Slash the space around the character. Can interrupt and propel targets. Your character is immune to damage when this skill is used (30 sec cooldown).

After casting Winterfimbul, a large area of ice forms around you for 25 seconds. Your number of dodges allowed is not deducted as long as you perform them in the ice zone.

Cold fracture

When your weapon is charged or when Phantasia is triggered, purges all debuffs from your character as it dashes forward, controlling enemies before inflicting a big slash. Inflicts damage and launches enemies into the air.

Last of Us: A first ultra faithful video teaser that will hyper all fans of the license!

You do not dream ! HBO has just unveiled some excerpts from the series The Last of Us through a mini-trailer. We find in the latter several cult scenes from the Naughty Dog license, but also an exit window that promises to keep fans in suspense!

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!