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Nemesis Tower of Fantasy: Venus Weapon, Build, Matrices... How to play it?

Nemesis Tower of Fantasy: Venus Weapon, Build, Matrices... How to play it?

Here's our complete guide to Nemesis, an SSR simulacrum and his Venus weapon. You will find all the information to play it on Tower of Fantasy, the best matrices to put on it, the gifts to offer it and its progression in stars.

Nemesis Tower of Fantasy: Venus Weapon, Build, Matrices... How to play it?

Tower of Fantasy is available since August 11, 2022 and this new gacha game lets you experience a futuristic open-world adventure with an MMORPG aspect. Your goal is therefore not only to explore the different regions, to complete quests but also to summon characters and improve them. On ToF, the summoning system is a bit special and allows you to actually obtain weapons with various rarity levels: N - R - SR - SRR. Attached to these weapons are characters called Simulacrums only for SR and SSR rarities. Today, we are particularly interested in Nemesis and his weapon Venus .

Nemesis: SSR Overview and Temporary Banner Duration

Nemesis is part of the game's very first temporary banner , which lasts from August 11, 2022 (game launch) to August 31, 2022.

  • Gender : Female
  • Height : 165cm
  • Birthday date : May 25 (Gemini)
  • Japanese voice : Haruka Tomatsu (Asuna in Sword Art Online among others)
  • English voice : Suzie Young (Eula in Genshin Impact)
The staff of Hykros are unsure whether to treat her as an enemy, a guest, or an ally. His original personality may have been regained, but who knows what secrets lie within the technology fused to his body.
Description officielle

The different skins

If you get Nemesis' weapon multiple times, then you can increase his star level. At the end of the 3-star level , you get a different skin for the Simulacrum Nemesis. As a reminder, it is possible to use the Venus weapon without putting on the appearance of Nemeis.

1 star skin - Tower of Fantasy
1 star skin
3 star skin - Tower of Fantasy
3 star skin

Favorite gifts to give him

Each SSR character in Tower of Fantasy has an Awakening Level that can be improved by completing the story quest and also by giving them gifts.

  • Nemesis loves Toys, Decorations and Everyday Objects

    The best gift to give him:

Decoration of Angela (Angela Ornament)

Rarity: SR

Nemesis Awakening Traits

  • 1200 Awakening Points: Polymorph - After summoning an Electrode, inflict Lightning damage equal to 60% of total attack power to all enemies within 30 yards. Heals all allies within range for 120% of attack power.
  • 4,000 Awakening Points: Sublimation - After summoning an Electrode, inflict Lightning damage equal to 100% of total attack power to all enemies within 30 yards. Heal all allies within range by applying 200% of their attack power.
Tower of Fantasy

Venus: Nemesis SSR Weapon Overview

Information and how to get it?

  • Resonance (role): Support
  • Element: Lightning
  • Fracture: 6.00
  • Refill: 8.00
  • Base Attack: 18
  • HP: 1165
  • Crit: 14

Currently, the only way to obtain Venus, the SSR weapon of Nemesis, is to summon on the temporary banner with Red Nuclei. In the future, some World Bosses may give you a chance to loot the weapon.

The effects of the Venus weapon

  • Lightning : When weapon is fully charged, next attack Paralyzes targets for 1 second and Electrifies them for 6 seconds, removing all buffs and dealing damage equal to 144.00% ATK. Targets can no longer receive buffs for the next 6 seconds.
  • Elemental Resonance : Increases Volt ATK by 15% and Volt Resistance by 25%. Activated by equipping 2 or more volt weapons. The effects of this set do not work with others.

How is Nemesis/Venus played and with whom/what weapon?

Nemesis (or at least his weapon Venus) plays mostly if you orient your Avatar as a sub-DPS/Healer . He is a good Support who uses a double cannon on his shoulders, who can cause great damage with his Discharge in particular and the use of Dodge, and who can heal his allies.

  • Her strengths : she is one of the only ones to have an elemental resonance which then allows you to make bonus combos with other team members of the same type. Nemesis/Venus is thus ideal if you want to compose a Lightning team (Volt). To start, Nemesis/Venus is an excellent weapon to greatly increase the damage thanks to this resonance, to be used especially in multiplayer. You can also pair it with Echo, an SR that you get automatically during the tutorial. Better than Echo, you can try to summon Crow or Samir in SSR on the permanent banner to obtain their weapons, in particular thanks to your hidden pity of 30 wishes.
  • Its weak points : Nemesis cannot break shields, Crow and Samir either. You should therefore focus your third team member on a shield breaker like KING for example. Summoning Nemesis necessarily implies having to play another Lightning member (Volt) in your team, otherwise its interest is less.
Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

Progression: how to improve Venus?

The 6 star levels

Each SR and SSR weapon can progress up to a 6-star level. Initially, your weapon will be at 0 stars and you will therefore have to improve it 6 times to reach the maximum level, but this means that you will have to obtain the same weapon 7 times to improve it.

  • 1★: After using Pulse Lock or Particle Beam Shot, create 1 Electrode which immediately grants the user 5 stacks of Enhanced Chain Heal. Additionally, it triggers a healing chain that heals nearby allies for 135% of the wanderer's ATK.
  • 2★: Increases base ATK growth of current weapon by 16%,
  • 3★: Every 6 seconds, Electrode launches a Circle of Lightning that deals damage up to 205% ATK in the targeted area.
  • 4★: Increases base ATK growth of current weapon by 32%,
  • 5★: After using Pulse Lock, Explorer's ATK increases by (5 + (number of Electrodes x5))% for 25 seconds,
  • 6★: Up to 2 Electrodes can be active simultaneously. Beyond this limit, any Electrode summoned will replace the one furthest from the user.
Tower of Fantasy

The necessary upgrade materials

In addition to improving the stars of your weapon, you can also strengthen it and increase it up to 5 times. Be careful, this costs materials but also Gold and sometimes requires having the right level of adventure. For Venus, you will need the following materials:


Can be found by collecting ores in the open world or to buy in the weapon shop.

Rank 1: x2

Rank 2: x2

Rank 3: x3

Rank 4: x3

Rank 5: x4

Anti-acid varnish I

Rank 3: x3

Rank 4: x3

Rank 5: x4

Nanofiber frame I

Rank 4: x3

Rank 5: x4


Rank 1: x400

Rank 2: x800

Rank 3: x1200

Rank 4: x1600

Rank 5: x2000

All SSR Venus Weapon Skills


  • Normal attack : While on the ground, use Venus to attack 5 times in a row.
  • Air Blast : While airborne, hit normal attack to attack 5 times in a row.
  • Bold Pursuit : After the second normal attack, hold the normal attack to trigger Forward Pursuit. Fire a laser-guided missile at the target, dealing damage equal to 107.5% ATK + 6.
  • Double Focus : Hold normal attack to charge a shot and release an electrified ball that explodes when hit, dealing damage equal to 118.4% ATK + 6 to nearby enemies.


  • Dodge : Dodge just before being hit to trigger a Fantasy, which reduces the speed of enemies in a given area. You are immune to stuns for 0.5 seconds while dodging. Dodging triggers a healing chain that heals nearby allies for 67.7% of the wanderer's ATK; for the next 10 seconds, a small healing chain is triggered every 2 seconds, which heals nearby allies for 22.5% of the wanderer's ATK. Dodging grants 1 stack of Heal Chain Enhancement, which increases the effects of Heal Chains by 25% (up to 5 stacks) and lasts for 30 seconds. Changing weapons cancels this effect.
  • Spinning Focus : Hit the normal attack during the short perfect attack window to trigger a slowed magnetic field. Venus fires a charged orb that travels forward a set distance and explodes on contact with targets. Deals damage equal to 171% ATK + 9, and generates a slowed magnetic field for 3 seconds, reducing the movement speed and attack speed of all enemies within it by 35%.
  • Parallel Rays : Hit normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (directional key while dodging) to trigger Parallel Rays. Venus fires a pair of parallel energy beams, dealing piercing damage equal to 171.6% ATK + 9.

Venus Special Skill

  • Pulse Lock : Venus fires a guided missile that explodes on contact with enemy targets, dealing damage equal to 233.2% ATK + 12 and stunning targets. 25 second cooldown.

Discharge (ultimate)

  • Particle Beam Firing : When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, switching to this weapon clears all user debuffs and commands Venus to fire a cross-shaped beam at the ground, creating an unstable area and reducing the movement speed of targets by 70% for 5 seconds. After a brief delay, she unleashes an Electromagnetic Discharge that deals damage equal to 393.9% ATK + 21. Using a Discharge attack spawns 1 Electrode near the position of the attacking enemy once every 1.5 seconds, dealing damage equal to 39.9% ATK + 2. Electrode gains 100% of wanderer's stats, can be attacked or healed, and loses 3% of maximum HP each second. Only one electrode can exist at a time, and invoking a new electrode replaces the previous one.

Recommended matrices

There are only 4 die slots to put on your weapon. A bit like artifacts, the matrices work in sets: the more pieces of the same set you put, the more the set in question grants bonuses. For Venus, it is recommended to put either a 2 or 4 piece Nemesis set, or a 2 or 4 piece Coco Ritter set.


Set x2 : When a target is healed, their Volt ATK is increased by 8%/10%/12%/15% for 20 seconds. The effect does not stack, and only the highest level will take effect when using multiple sets.

Set x4 : When you heal yourself or your Electrode, the healed target gains a charge of "Lightning". Next attack within 30 seconds is infused with "Lightning", dealing Volt damage equal to 240%/300%/360%/420% of Volt's ATK (reduced by 50% for Electrodes). Cannot be triggered more than once every 10 seconds. "Lightning" charges do not stack, and only the highest level takes effect when using multiple sets.

Coco Ritter

Set x2 : Increases healing ability and healing received by 8%/10%/12%/14%.

Set x4 : When you or your teammates are healed, increase your ATK by 10%/12.5%/15%/17.5% for 2 seconds.

Echo Tower of Fantasy: Lightning Halberd Weapon, Build, Matrices... How to play it?

Here's our complete guide to Echo, an SR Simulacrum and its Lightning Halberd weapon. You will find all the information to play it on Tower of Fantasy, the best matrices to put on it, the gifts to offer it and its progression in stars.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!