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Elden Ring Elder Dragons Dark Forge Stone: Where to find them?

Elden Ring Elder Dragons Dark Forge Stone: Where to find them?

Want to level up your special weapons to level 10, but don't know where to find Elder Dragon Dark Forge Stones in the world of Elden Ring? In this guide, you are given the position of several Elder Dragon Stones.

To upgrade our special weapons on Elden Ring, rare upgrade materials are required. They are a great way for our weapon to gain power. But for your special weapon to go up +10 you will have to find valuable components: the dark forging stones of the ancient dragons.

These stones are not found just anywhere, so we have gathered here all the possible positions for these stones, whether by completing a quest, eliminating an opponent or even by picking them up. in the open world.

Where can I find Elder Dragon Forging Stones?

They cannot be obtained from the carcasses of the twin servants, unlike the Cinerary Pearls, you will have to find them in the Underworld and more precisely in the end-game areas.

Elder Dragon Forging Stone—Leyndell, Capital of Ash

In front of the door that previously led to the Capital Round Table which was still standing, you can find an Elder Dragon Forging Stone. You can reach this area by going through the right side of the wall.

Leyndell, Capital of Ashes - Elden Ring
Leyndell, Capital of Ashes

Elder Dragon Forging Stone — Farum Azula

Below the Maliketh Arena, you can find an Elder Dragon Forging Stone. It will be placed under the gazebo.

Farum Azula - Elden Ring
Farum Azula

Dark Forge Stone of Elder Dragons — Mohgwyn Palace

Taking the "Center of the Dynasty Mausoleum" grace site as a starting point, you can find the Ancient Dragons Forging Stone in the chest on an altar. Many fish-men and an assassin will be praying for an entity.

Mohgwyn Palace - Elden Ring
Mohgwyn Palace

Dark Forgestone of the Elder Dragons — Hallowed Snowfields

By completing the Latenna the Albinauric questline, you will be able to retrieve an Elder Dragon Forging Stone after leading it to the Cleric Ruins.

Consecrated Snowy Fields, Clerical Ruins - Elden Ring
Consecrated Snowy Fields, Clerical Ruins

Dark Forgestone of the Elder Dragons — Hallowed Snowfields

By killing Anastasia the Shatterless Devourer , you can recover a Dark Forge Stone from the Elder Dragons. You can get invaded by passing through the center of the frozen river. Below, here is a capture that will show you the position triggering its invasion.

Hallowed Snowfields, Anastasia the Splinterless Devourer - Elden Ring
Hallowed Snowfields, Anastasia the Splinterless Devourer

Dark Forgestone of the Elder Dragons — Elphael, Chestguard of the Sacred Tree

In the upper part of the wall of Elphael, you can find a dark forge stone on the right part of the outer ramparts, you will have to kill the Avatar of the tree before venturing there.

Elphael, wall - Elden Ring
Elphael, wall

Dark Forgestone of the Elder Dragons — Elphael, Chestguard of the Sacred Tree

Also within Elphael, you can find a Dark Forge Stone in a small dead end.

Elphael, dead end - Elden Ring
Elphael, dead end

Dark Forgestone of the Elder Dragons — Elphael, Chestguard of the Sacred Tree

After defeating Malenia, Goddess of Decay and obtaining the Needle of Miquella, you will be able to obtain an Elder Dragon Dark Forge Stone. To get the needle, you will need to follow Millicent's questline.

Elphael, Malenia - Elden Ring
Elphael, Malenia

Elder Dragons Dark Forge Stone — Sellen's Quest

If you choose to swear allegiance to Jerren , you will be able to receive various rewards such as the Shard Witch Crown, a Cinerary Pearl (whose name will be kept secret in order to avoid the spoiler) as well as a Forge Stone of the ancient dragons. We invite you to follow our guide on Sellen to find out more!

Sellen's Quest - Elden Ring
Sellen's Quest

Here are all of the Elder Dragon Darkforging Stones we've been able to find in the Underworld so far. We will complete this guide if others are discovered.

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