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Temtem: Kinu and Volarend are the two most picked and banned Temtem in competition

Temtem: tips, guide, walkthrough, creatures and more
Temtem: Kinu and Volarend are the two most picked and banned Temtem in competition

Following a tweet from Temtem, we see that Kinu is the most picked Temtem in competition while Volarend is the most banned. We try to explain why.

Temtem: Kinu and Volarend are the two most picked and banned Temtem in competition

Is Kinu the ideal Temtem for the competition? Then is Volarend useless or scary for a lot of players? In this article, we will conduct a study on these two Temtem to try to understand why they are headlining in PvP!

Kinu: the most picked


Kinu is a rare Temtem that is not easy to find. Therefore, he has a little something extra when we put him on the front of the Dojo. We want to show our opponent that we have it, but it's not only its rarity that makes it the most picked.

If we focus on its weaknesses/strengths, we can see:

  • Resistance: Neutral, Water, Nature, Electric, Earth, Mental, Wind, Melee...
  • Weakness: Fire, Digital, Crystal, Toxic.

As a result, Kinu is more likely to withstand the various attacks from Temtem, with a few exceptions. Let us note also, that these features are only bonuses for the team! Like Ganki who has only personal malus. If we take a closer look at his mental skills, many of them can have a synergy with his second Nature type.
Enough to bring additional damage to the enemy. And finally, on the side of the Nature skills, many of them can regenerate, including Medication. The target recovers 25% of his Health Points and the caster recovers 10% of his Health Points.

So, its rarity, its skills and the synergy of the types, make Kinu a Temtem which can easily defend itself, in spite of its low rate of life points.

Volarend: the most banned


Why is Volarend the most banned Temtem in competitions? It's easier to find and is located in the last zones of the early access, so it's strange that it's so banned.

If we look at its weaknesses, the Electric type is the only one to be missing. Except that if we look at its skills, they say a lot about the abilities of the Temtem in competition: its skills are mainly Neutral and Wind type. Even if he has a secondary type which is the Toxic type, Wind is his primary type. Except that this one is not optimized for competition since very few Temtem are vulnerable to this type.

Even if we add his traits which are bonuses for his Wind type, the difference is not big enough to compete in PvP. Therefore, Volarend is not a Temtem that is used a lot like Kinu. However, it's still an excellent Wind type Temtem.

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Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

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