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Hearthstone: Are Dragons coming to Battlegrounds?

Hearthstone: Are Dragons coming to Battlegrounds?

We already know the tribe was to be expected, but Game Designer Conor Kou's recently teased it on Twitter — meaning that Dragons could arrive sooner than we think...

Hearthstone: Are Dragons coming to Battlegrounds?

Demons, Mechs, Murlocs, and Beasts. These four tribes have been fighting each other since the release of Battlegrounds — longer if you consider the fact that they all belong to Hearthstone.

Some of them sometimes get the upper hand, but nerfs and new releases often manage to balance the meta. The quartet was waiting for the arrival of a fifth element, which the developers had announced would come in the future — without any date being announced.

It's not official yet, but the tweet from Hearthstone Game Designer Conor Kou seems to be the confirmation of the hopes and expectations of a good part of the players: the arrival of the Dragons in Battlegrounds!

WARNING: Caution is still required, and even if this possibility seems obvious in view of everything that has been said before by the developers, nothing is certain yet.

Speculations and hypothesis

  • The Dragon tribe is coming to Battlegrounds.

It seems obvious and clear when you look at Kou's tweet — and the least we can say is that we're super hyped! We can already imagine new minions making new compositions emerge. This change would be consequent and would shake the meta upside down.

  • Deathwing is the next hero to join the pool.

This image may also announce the arrival of a new hero in Battlegrounds. Would he arrive alone? With other dragons? Galakrond maybe if we take into account the recent evolutions of Hearthstone? The hypothesis seems a little more fragile, but it remains interesting.

In any case, we will know more about this question with the release of the next update!


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