Overwatch Retail Patch Notes — December 15, 2020
New Feature: Priority Pass
In an effort to help address the population imbalance between Tank, Support, and Damage roles, and the longer queue times that Damage players often encounter due to this imbalance, we’re introducing the new Priority Pass feature. Players can earn Priority Passes by choosing Flex when they queue, with more passes earned for wins than for losses. Use a Priority Pass to decrease queue time for a role currently experiencing higher traffic.
Priority Passes may not be used when playing a group of 5 or more. Since we try to pair large parties against other large parties, and parties this large already contain a good balance of roles, we do not anticipate that using a Priority Pass would actually reduce queue times. As such, we don’t want players to waste their passes if this wouldn’t have a noticeable effect towards the feature’s goal.
Feature Update: Replay Viewer Custom Spectator Options
We have added a new options menu to the Replay Viewer, accessible via the Media Controls. Our goal is to give our players more control over how the Replay Viewer looks and behaves in order to navigate replays more easily, as well as make awesome content! These additional settings include the ability to independently toggle UI elements, modify player outline strength, disable objective capture sounds, and adjust the spectator camera behavior. We've also added 0.75x and 1.75x playback speeds to give you finer control.
New Options:
- Team 1 Banner
- Team 1 Heroes
- Team 2 Banner
- Team 2 Heroes
- Status Messages
- Playback Indicators
- Game Mode Specific HUD
- Kill Feed
- Player Names
- Player Health Bars
- Player Outline Strength
- First-Person Health
- First-Person Ultimate Meter
- First-Person Ability and Weapon Info
- First-Person Crosshair
- First-Person Hero HUD
- First-Person Activity Feed
- Objective Capture Sounds
- Time Skip Interval Length
- FOV Change Per Zoom
- FOV Interpolation Rate
- Maximum Free Camera FOV
- Mix of game sounds has been adjusted to give third person footsteps more prominence