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Black Ops Cold War: January 12 Patch Notes, Stability FIxes, Mid-Season Update

Black Ops Cold War: January 12 Patch Notes, Stability FIxes, Mid-Season Update

On January 12th, Treyarch released a small update ahead of the mid-season update. FInd all the chances made in this article.

Black Ops Cold War: January 12 Patch Notes, Stability FIxes, Mid-Season Update

First of all, Treyarch has announced a weekend of Double Weapon XP starting January 15th and ending January 19th.

This will be the perfect time to level up the weapon arsenal as quickly as possible.

Find the complete list of changes below.


  • General stability improvements specific to PlayStation 5.



  • Various stability fixes.

Die Maschine

  • Closed an exploit that permitted duplication of the player’s weapon.

Dead Ops Arcade 3

  • Various stability fixes.

The stability fixes for Zombies come at the perfect time. A free week of Zombies is currently underway and enables players that don't own Black Ops Cold War to experience the popular survival mode at no charge.

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Activision Blizzard has revealed the start date for the 2021 Call of Duty League season.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

Co-written with : Jonno Nicholson