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Next Black Ops Cold War Update, Next Warzone Update, Content, Bug Fixes, Weapon Balancing, More

Next Black Ops Cold War Update, Next Warzone Update, Content, Bug Fixes, Weapon Balancing, More

Treyarch and Raven Software often update their Trello board to let the community know what bugs have been discovered and what is being worked on. Here are the various fixes that will likely be included in the next update.

Next Black Ops Cold War Update, Next Warzone Update, Content, Bug Fixes, Weapon Balancing, More

The mid-season update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War war certainly a small one, mostly containing fixes for small bugs found within the Zombies mode.

Since then, no information surrounding the next update has been announced for Black Ops Cold War and Warzone. However, for Warzone, weapons such as the DMR and the MAC-10 have received a nerf due to their overpowered nature.

What will likely be included in the next update for Black Ops Cold War and Warzone? Take a look at Treyarch and Raven Software's Trello to get a rough idea of what is to come in future updates

Fixes for the next update

  • BOCW - Players may experience a negative Cod Points balance. Treyarch has a temporary fix which is to log into Warzone, log out and then return to Black Ops Cold War.
  • BOCW - Some players may not be visible when the HARP is active during a match. Treyarch has found the solution and should be rolled out in the next update.
  • BOCW - In rare cases, the "Detonation" progression tab in Fireteam may remain on the player's HUD for longer than intended. Treyarch says it has found the solution and should be rolled out in the next update.

Problems under investigation

  • BOCW - Players cannot find a game on Ruka or Sanatorium.
  • BOCW - Fixed and improvements for split screen in multiplayer
  • Warzone - The player can be temporarily freeze. Raven Software is currently researching this.

As for Black Ops Cold War split screen, more issues are being discovered.

As we can see from the Reddit post above, some players are turning invisible when playing on split screen.

No date for a fix has been announced yet, but Treyarch has already scheduled various fixes and is working on other bugs. 

Given the severity of this particular issue, a fix will likely arrive in the not-too-distant future.

The Season One Reloaded roadmap has been revealed

The mid-season update for Black Ops Cold War is live. Treyarch has also revealed the roadmap for Season One Reloaded. Find everything you need to know in this article!

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

Co-written with : Jonno Nicholson