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Thermal optics Black Ops Cold War bug, glitch, exploit, fix

Thermal optics Black Ops Cold War bug, glitch, exploit, fix

Thermal scopes in Black Ops Cold War aren't working as intended. Treyarch is already on the case!

Thermal optics Black Ops Cold War bug, glitch, exploit, fix

Different players have expressed their frustrations surrounding the performance of thermal optics in Black Ops Cold War.

The bug almost renders them useless as the heat from the body of players fails to display on the scope, making it very difficult for players to see their intended target.

One Reddit user even joked that the optic had run out of battery. One of Treyarch's official moderators responded to the issue and said the development team was working on a fix for the issue.

Information surrounding various exploits and bugs Treyarch is working on can be found on the Trello board.

  • BOCW - Players may experience a negative CP balance. Treyarch has a temporary solution which is to log into Warzone, log out and then finally return to Black Ops Cold War.
  • BOCW - Some players may not be visible when the HARP is over their head. Treyarch seems to have finally found the solution and should be rolled out in the next update.
  • BOCW - In rare cases, the "Detonation" may remain on the player's HUD for longer than intended. Treyarch seems to have finally found the solution and should be rolled out in the next update.

Currently, the Trello board doesn't mention the thermal optic glitch but it is likely that the issue will be addressed in the not-too-distant future.

If you do encounter the problem, simply switch to another loadout and then back to the loadout with the thermal optic equipped for it to function properly.

Next Black Ops Cold War Update, Next Warzone Update, Content, Bug Fixes, Weapon Balancing, More

Treyarch and Raven Software often update their Trello board to let the community know what bugs have been discovered and what is being worked on. Here are the various fixes that will likely be included in the next update.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

Co-written with : Jonno Nicholson