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CSGO: Operation Riptide update now available

CSGO: Operation Riptide update now available

Major changes are afoot in the latest significant update to Valve's timeless FPS, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

CSGO: Operation Riptide update now available

Valve announced the arrival of the Operation Riptide update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Tuesday, with the expansion bringing a host of new content and updates to the game.

There are new maps, skins and agents, as well as changes to the iconic Dust2 map. A new 'quick match' mode that lasts 16 rounds instead of the traditional 30 has also gone live, and gameplay changes include the possibility to drop tools like grenades, smokes, flashes and Molotov cocktails for teammates. Previously this was only possible for weapons.

Dust II map changes and old settings

On the competitive side, the most impactful change is the small update to the Dust II map -- the most popular in CS:GO. Valve has decided to reduce the visibility of the terrorist team base from the middle door, preventing the T-side from seeing CTs passing towards the B-site during the respawn phase.

It is intended that the map becomes more balanced with these changes, and consequently remains among those used in official CS:GO championships.

Deathmatch mode

The deathmatch game mode, popular with casual gamers, has gained two new styles -- Free For All and Team Deathmatch. Free For All sees players go it alone against all other players in the game, with the victor being the one who secures the most kills. 

In Team Deathmatch the target will be to reach 100 kills in toal before the other team, or to finish with more kills than the enemy when the time expires. 

Return of the riot shield to casuals

Another change that will affect casual matches is the return of the Shield, which can be used by CT teams on hostage maps. This item was very popular back in the days of CS 1.6. and it will now have another chance to shine in casual CS:GO.

New maps

County is one of five new maps coming to CS:GO with Operation Riptide. - CS:GO
County is one of five new maps coming to CS:GO with Operation Riptide.

In total, five new maps are coming to CS:GO. Basalt and Insertion II will be available in Competitive, Casual and Elimination game modes, while Ravine and Extraction can be played in Wingman mode. Meanwhile, County will be exclusive to the Danger Zone mode.

New Agents

CS:GO will also get 21 new agents, which are in reality just new skins for the Terrorist and CT character models.


Weapon Designs

Operation Riptide also adds 17 new weapon skins, which are part of the Operation Riptide crates in addition to the Mirage 2021 and Train 2021 collections.

The AK-47 rifle has a new look in Operation Riptide. - CS:GO
The AK-47 rifle has a new look in Operation Riptide.

Quick matches

From now on, players will be able to choose to play quick games, with a maximum duration of 16 rounds instead of the traditional 30.  According to Valve, the expectation is that these games will last 25 minutes on average.

Utility assignment

Traditionally, it was only possible to drop weapons for teammates who suffered a bad economy. Now this functionality will also be extended to grenades and other in-game utilities, such as flashbangs, smokes, and Molotov cocktails.

Each player can still only carry a maximum of four of these utilities per round.

Players will be able to give grenades and other utilities to their teammates. - CS:GO
Players will be able to give grenades and other utilities to their teammates.

Weapon nerfs and upgrades

  • The M4A1-S will now deal more damage to the body.
  • The Desert Eagle will now do less damage to the body.
  • Double Berettas have dropped in price.

Original Content: MGG BR.

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José Ángel Mateo Albuerne

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