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Will you need to be connected to Internet to play Hogwarts Legacy?

Will you need to be connected to Internet to play Hogwarts Legacy?

Nowadays even solo games tend to require internet to be played, but is it the case for the new Harry Potter game?

More than ever, Hogwarts Legacy is in the spotlight and while some player were worried about microtransactions and cosmetic in the game, a part of the comunity started worrying about something else: having to be connected to the internet to play the game.

More and more games requires to be connected even if the game's solo, but is it the case for Hogwarts Legacy? The game's cover presented on multiple sites seems to be confirming so, but is it really hapening?

Harry Potter : Hogwarts Legacy

It's important to remember that the covers aren't final just yet and each selling site uses a different one. However, this remains a possibility.

Harry Potter : Hogwarts Legacy
Harry Potter : Hogwarts Legacy

While these placeholder covers are mostly used to allow sellers to display something, we don't know just yet if the "Internet required" thing's true and we will have to wait for an official communication from Warner Bros Games and Avalanche Software when they present the pre-order bonuses and the different editions of the game (standard, deluxe, collector). Either way, without microtransactions or multiplayer, it seems unlikely that an internet connection will be required to play Hogwarts Legacy.

This guide has been translated from MGG France by bxakid and was originally written by Milkameluna.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!