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Stray: Check out these hilarious mods that transform games' most famous cat

Stray: Check out these hilarious mods that transform games' most famous cat

While the game has only been out for a few days, Stray is already the subject of various more than unusual mods. On the program: an astonishing crossover and a physical transformation from muzzle to paws!

Since its release not even a week ago, Stray has seduced players around the world thanks to its more than adorable concept. Indeed, the game allows you to embody a little ginger cat lost in futuristic-looking underground, trying to find its way to the surface. Every little detail is worked on and the players have the impression of controlling a real little feline which meows, pushes the objects from the tables, scratches the sofa and indulges in many other cat activities.

But while, thanks to this recipe, Stray seems to work, some have already created mods to transform our favorite little gaming cat . Let's find out together!

Clarification: these mods are only available for the pc version of the game.


If you have played Heavy Rain, one of the classics of Quantic Dream, this mod will undoubtedly speak to you. It lets you turn Stray's cat meows... into Jason's dad's screams in Heavy Rain. In the game of the little cat, a key is entirely dedicated to the meowing of the protagonist. As you can imagine, this feature is one of the most used by players and continues to be talked about.

Thanks to the mod in question, called "Jason" , your cat will see its adorable meows replaced by the desperate cries of a father in search of his son. The scene is rather... comical (and very disturbing)!

If you want to achieve the most unusual crossover in the history of video games between Stray and Heavy Rain, the mod is available right here .

Do you prefer dogs?

For players who prefer dogs to our feline friends, a mod exists! The latter allows the main protagonist of Stray to be transformed into an adorable French bulldog, which seems larger than life. Although the dog seems endowed with extraordinary agility for an animal of its species, the mod remains very realistic.


For the moment, the only dog available is this small French bulldog, because the more the size of the animal moves away from that of Stray's feline, the more the animation and the fluidity of the movements are difficult to work. It is important to note that the developer of the mod in question, Chris Rubino , has not yet finalized the project and is still fixing some small details such as the fact that the dog… meows.

If you want to add some dog to your Stray adventure, the Happy Puppy mod is available right here.

mods are coming

Stray has already toured the world and is breaking records in terms of positive reviews. On Steam, the game has more than 42,000 positive ratings (at the time of writing the article), a more than exceptional figure. In Steam player ratings, Stray outperformed one of this year's biggest hits, Elden Ring.

Who says success necessarily says new mods , and it is certain that within the next few weeks players will have access to dozens of new creations, all more unusual than the others. The hype is launched for Stray and the mods are likely to rain!

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!