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Genshin Impact: Sayu build, weapons and artifact sets

Genshin Impact: Sayu build, weapons and artifact sets

If you're looking to power-up your Sayu here is our complete guide from artifacts to main stats and weapons.

For the second part of the Genshin Impact 2.0 update, two new characters are appearing and among them we find a certain Sayu. This ninja has a peculiarity of her own (apart from being lazy), which is to be the only Anemo two-handed swordsman available today.

Sayu's role in your team

Its role in your team will not be to be your Main DPS, but rather a support that can heal you thanks to its burst which benefits from interesting bonuses thanks to its constellations. This isn't the only way she can heal your team with as her first passive "Someone More Efficient" allows Sayu to heal your team when she performs a scatter. Of course, this heal only restores 300 HP, but Sayu benefits from a more substantial healing depending on his elemental mastery.

And yes, Sayu will be a character where Elemental Mastery is important to play her to her full potential. Especially if you have it with its six unlocked constellations. Since you have to use dispersion with this character, you will need elemental attacks and this is where his burst can help you, but also his elemental skill which allows him to do Anemo damage as well while allowing you to dash on your enemies before delivering a devastating kick.

Recommended weapons

Wolf's Gravestone

5 Star Swordfish

Base Attack: 46

Secondary Stat: ATK %

Obtain: Wishes

Increases ATK by 20~40%. On hit, attacks against opponents with less than 30% HP increase all party members' ATK by 40~80% for 12s. Can only occur once every 30s.

Skyward Pride

5 Star Swordfish

Base Attack: 48

Secondary Stat: Energy Recharge

Obtain: Wishes

Increases all DMG by 8~16%. After using an Elemental Burst, Normal or Charged Attack, on hit, creates a vacuum blade that does 80~160% of ATK as DMG to opponents along its path. Lasts for 20s or 8 vacuum blades.

Prototype Archaic

4 Star Swordfish

Base Attack: 44

Secondary Stat: ATK %

Obtain: Craft

On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks have a 50% chance to deal an additional 240~480% ATK DMG to opponents within a small AoE. Can only occur once every 15s.

Sacrificial Greatsword

4 Star Swordfish

Base Attack: 41

Secondary Stat: Energy Recharge %

How to Obtain: Wishes

After dealing damage to an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40~80% chance to end its own CD. Can only occur once every 30~16s.


Sayu is a character who needs energy recharge as well as elemental mastery to be able to use his full potential. Anemo damage should also not be overlooked and that is why we recommend the various sets below.

Viridescent Venerer

2 pieces equipped : 2-Piece: Anemo DMG Bonus +15%

4 Pieces Equipped : Increases Swirl DMG by 60%. Decreases opponent's Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40% for 10s.

Maiden Beloved

2 pieces equipped: Character healing efficiency +15%

4 pieces equipped: Using an elemental skill or unleash increases healing received by all party members by 20% for 10 seconds.

The other two Constellations provide a level up to Elemental Skill or Unleash.

To play alongside:


Venti will make a very good duo with Sayu with the possibility of controlling your opponents, but also giving you the possibility of benefiting from the Anemo resonance which will be useful to you in exploration, but also in combat.


Ganyu is a good DPS that can ally with Sayu due to the synergy of their elements, but also to easily perform elemental reactions. Sayu will be able to heal Ganyu if she takes too much damage.


Xiangling is a good character having a synergy with Sayu since she will easily have access to dispersion, in particular thanks to her burst or her elementary skill.

Of course, these characters are only examples and do not constitute all the playable characters with Sayu but just a small representation of what you can do. Your imagination will allow you to create your own teams and test according to your preferences.

Kaeya Genshin Impact: build, weapons and artifact sets

If you're looking to power-up your Kaeya here is our complete guide from artifacts to main stats and weapons.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!