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Tower of Fantasy: What will be the next banners?

Tower of Fantasy: What will be the next banners?

Tower of Fantasy has been available for a few days and at the moment it is the Nemesis weapon that is highlighted in the first limited banner and in this article we will see the potential weapons that can replace it later .

Since its release, Tower of Fantasy has offered several banners, some of which are time-limited such as those related to the character of Nemesis . Subsequently, we can expect to see more land and if we follow what has been done on the side of the Chinese version, there are three characters who return.

Who will succeed Nemesis?

Although the current banner is still there for a while, we can already imagine which character will be highlighted next. Currently, we have three possible choices if we stick to the Chinese version as said before. The first is Cobalt-B which you may have seen during one of your visits to Hykros. Indeed, it is the NPC to whom you must speak before recovering your first mount, namely the Falcon (motorcycle). The second choice that seems possible is that of Claudia, the one who is announced as the captain of all heroes. As a last choice, there is Frigg , one of the characters you meet during your adventure on the planet of Aida.

Obviously, we are not sure that the global version follows the path traced by the one released more than a year ago in China. Nevertheless, there is a good chance that it will be these three characters. As for the order of appearance, we'd rather go with Claudia first, Cobalt-B second, and Frigg third. Now let's look at their weapons in a bit more detail.

Tower of Fantasy

Cobalt-B and Claudia, what weapons do they have?

Perhaps you are waiting for new weapons, because the ones you have are not necessarily suitable for you. In that case, these three new weapons might be to your liking. Cobalt-B is a heroine who uses a gun as her weapon. This one will be DPS oriented and may therefore be suitable for you if you want to have a weapon that allows you to hit a minimum in addition to your other weapons or even to have a remote alternative to your melee weapon. In addition, it will have a fire attribute.

  • Cobalt-B
  • Blazing Revolver
  • Attribute: fire

    As for Claudia , you'll get the first SSR one-handed sword . Just like Cobalt-B, it is a weapon that will be DPS oriented. On the other hand, if you wish to have a weapon of a particular element between ice, fire or lightning, you should not count on this one since it is of the physical element .

  • Claudia
  • Guren Blade
  • Attribute: physical

    As for the Angel of Mercy and right arm of the Sage, Frigg, she uses two blades, one long and another shorter. Just like the other weapons, it is made for players who want to have DPS . However, it has a different element since this time it is ice cream that is in the spotlight.

  • Frigg
  • Balmung
  • Attribute: Ice

    From now on, you know which weapons are likely to arrive after that of Nemesis. Don't forget that there will also be matrices that will also be available and if the elements don't matter to you, you will have to wait to see the skills of the weapons and their gameplay to have a more precise opinion.

Sources: , YouTube , game8

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!