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Hogwarts Legacy: Avada Kedavra... Killing Curse confirmed in-game!

Hogwarts Legacy: Avada Kedavra... Killing Curse confirmed in-game!

For Halloween, a new clip from Hogwarts Legacy confirms that the unforgivable spell Avada Kedavra can be used and details the effect of the Imperium in the game. Enemies better watch out if they don't. don't want to be vulgar puppets!

If we already knew that the Unforgivable Curses would be part of Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Legacy and that many fans had spotted the famous Avada Kedavra in the State of Play gameplay trailer, the spell allowing death in one wand had not yet been truly confirmed. What better date than October 31 to tell us?

The day Harry Potter became famous

Although the Hogwarts Legacy storyline takes place before Tom Riddle even became The-Who-Must-Not-Speak-The-Name, October 31st is a defining day for wizards and witches everywhere. . It was on October 31, 1981 that Lilly and James Potter died at the hands of the dark wizard and young Harry became famous as the only wizard to survive.

A dark day with the death of Harry's parents, killed by Voldemort of course, but also of celebration since that is when the wizarding war ended. Anyway, Halloween day is always a good occasion to celebrate the universe created by JK Rowling.

Harry Potter : Hogwarts Legacy

The Three Unforgivable Spells

For Halloween, the official Hogwarts Legacy Twitter account posted an 18-second video explaining what the Imperium was, one of the Three Unforgivable Curses. This tweet is very important since in the legend, it is well written that Avada Kedavra will indeed be in the game. Concerning Cruciatus , we had already had a glimpse of it in a recent trailer filled with darkness with the quest for companion Sebastian Pallow.

No gameplay unfortunately for the Imperium but a description of what it will have as an effect in the game: Temporarily forces enemies to fight as if they were your companion. While under your control, they take reduced damage from other enemies to extend their allegiance to you. The victim is also cursed and cursed enemies take additional damage.

We therefore learn that it will be possible to use the enemies as vulgar puppets and that the "Cursed" effect will be one of the combat effects in the game. On the visual, we can see that the description is taken from the book "The Forces of Evil". Also in the same clip, we can read that the unforgivable spells are the most powerful form of black magic that exists in the world, but also an open question "Will you choose to learn the Imperio spell?".

Just like Cruciatus (a spell that inflicts insurmountable pain), it would therefore seem that learning Black Magic is optional in Hogwarts Legacy.

Harry Potter : Hogwarts Legacy

Either way, if the Killing Curse is indeed available, it once again calls into question the infamous PEGI12 that Sony and Microsoft official sites are currently showing for the game. there is no blood on the screen and the atmosphere remains fantastic, the title can simply not be recommended for children under 12.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!