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What does The Last of Us 2 PS4 release date trailer tell us?

What does The Last of Us 2 PS4 release date trailer tell us?

The Last of Us 2 release date trailer for PlayStation 4 was revealed during Sony's State of Play broadcast on September 24. Naughty Dog has delighted us with the three-minute video, showing Ellie and marking Joel's comeback. But what else the trailer reveal?

February 21, 2020. That's the date all The Last of Us Part II fans have had in mind since the State of Play broadcast. If you've been waiting for this for months — even years — you must have been thrilled with the three-minute trailer that Naughty Dog dropped.

A very angry Ellie. Violence — a lot of violence. A Clicker. A well-known face... This trailer gives us a lot of information about what the story of TLOU2 could be. This trailer is the direct continuation of the one shown at E3 2018, after the party where Ellie and Dina kissed. It follows a specific timeline, and we have noticed several interesting points.

The Last of Us 2

Ellie is wearing a gas mask, but we know she is immune to the Cordyceps Brain Infection. Could this mean an evolution of the virus, one thatcould infect Ellie too? Or, is she trying to keep her immunity secret to protect herself? It almost got her killed during The Last of Us, so It is easy to assume that she doesn't want that to happen again.

The Last of Us 2

Another group of bad guys seems to join the party. The first trailers showed us that individuals — not very open to discussion and kindness — were there to fight it out. This time, we see that they are really not there to joke, and that Ellie is on a mission to "destroy" them. Tommy — Joel's young brother — warns her: "You don't know how large their group is, how armed..."

The Last of Us 2

Towards the end of the trailer, a shot of Ellie's shaking hand reveals that she is wearing Dina's bracelet. Is it a coincidence that the trailer led us to earlier believe that Dina was killed — knowing that the two characters were more or less in a relationship? A revenge story could be at the heart of the plot of TLOU2.

The Last of Us 2

A new type of infected appears. Or, are they Bloaters? It's hard to say — knowing Naughty Dog, it's possible that new enemies will be introduced to spice up the game. In any case, these 'things' seem to be able to run fast, despite their size!

The Last of Us 2

Finally, the news that everyone wanted. Yes, Joel is back! This moment contrasts completely with the rest of the trailer. From the new Ellie, consumed with violence and anger, we then get a glimpse of the Ellie we knew before as she reunites with her father figure, all childlike and innocent. We were certainly not ready to go on without Joel, and neither was he, it seems — "you think I'd let you do this on your own?"

We'll have to to wait until February 21 for our questions to be answered. In the meantime, you can start thinking about which edition of the game you will buy — and why not replay The Last of Us Part I to refresh your memory? You still have five months to fill!

The Last of Us 2 release date and all the editions revealed

We finally know it! The release date of The Last of Us 2 was revealed during the State of Play, few hours ago. Joel and Ellie's adventures will continue on February!

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.