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Discover the new card back introduced with the new Hearthstone expansion, Descent of Dragons

Discover the new card back introduced with the new Hearthstone expansion, Descent of Dragons

Each extension has its own exclusive card back, and Descent of Dragons doesn't deviate from the rule. Available in the pre-order, check out The Shattering card back!

Discover the new card back introduced with the new Hearthstone expansion, Descent of Dragons

The Hearthstone expansion, Descent of Dragons, was announced at BlizzCon 2019. It will come with a new card back. This will be available in the pre-order bundles that you can find right here as soon as they are available. This new card back is called The Shattering and is linked to the return of the dragons — especially to the resurrection of Galakrond, by the E.V.I.L forces.

Expansion trailer

Hearthstone: New expansion Descent of Dragons is now available in game!

The third extension of the Year of the Dragon, Descent of Dragons is available in game! New mechanics, new cards and a new game mode are on the menu. Discover all the information in this article!


Hearthstone / Legends of Runeterra / Overwatch / Magic Arena
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