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Hearthstone — How to play Battlegrounds beta; Minimum specs

Hearthstone — How to play Battlegrounds beta; Minimum specs

At BlizzCon 2019, a new game mode was announced for Hearthstone. It's Hearthstone Battlegrounds, the Auto chess with Hearthstone cards! Find out how to get there as soon as possible starting with the closed Beta!

Hearthstone — How to play Battlegrounds beta; Minimum specs

At the same time as the announcement of the new Descent of Dragons expansion, a new game mode was unveiled by Blizzard. This is the Hearthstone Battlegrounds game mode which will be available on Hearthstone very soon (in beta on November 5th). Here is all the information you need to access it!

Methods to get access to the Closed Beta

The new game mode on Hearthstone will be available on November 5 on the game and Blizzard has provided several ways for you to play it as soon as possible! To access the closed Beta, three methods coexist. If you couldn't get a key back, no worries! On November 12th, the Public Beta will start and everyone will be able to play for free!


Whether you have taken the €49.99 or the €79.99 pack that will allow you to recover the alternative war hero Death Wing, each preorder of Descent of Dragons will give you direct access to the first phase of Beta for Hearthstone Battlegrounds!

BlizzCon 2019 - New Hearthstone expansion Descent of Dragons preorders are available

Here are the different pre-order bundles that are available for purchase until December 10, the release date of Descent of Dragons. It's the opportunity to get the new Warrior hero, Deathwing, and more.

BlizzCon 2019 Virtual Ticket

Among the unannounced rewards when purchasing the Virtual Ticket, access to the closed Beta was a nice surprise for all Hearthstone players! If you have your virtual pass, you will automatically have access to this new game mode as of November 5th!

BlizzCon Virtual Ticket rewards are available in game

Blizzcon 2019 will be held on November 1 and 2. This year, the Virtual Ticket will give you cosmetics for all Blizzard licenses: from World of Warcraft to StarCraft II, including Diablo III, Hearthstone, Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm!

Twitch Drops

You'll have the opportunity to gain early access to the game mode with Twitch Drops! To do this nothing easier, connect to a stream with the drops enabled and wait patiently for the chance to smile at you!

Be careful though, you must have logged in your Twitch and Blizzard account in order to get this reward!

Minimum specs

  • Due to the nature of its 8-player games, with countless simultaneous attacks, effects and animations, Hearthstone: BAttlegrounds is currently only compatible with mobile devices with more than 2GB of RAM. This means that older aircraft may not be able to run Hearthstone: Battlefields. At the end of the beta, Blizzard will optimize the experience so that players using older devices can participate in this new game mode.

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