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Hearthstone — Some details about Descent of Dragons mechanics

Descent of Dragons
Hearthstone — Some details about Descent of Dragons mechanics

After the announcement of Year of the Dragon's last expansion at BlizzCon, the developers answered many questions asked on Twitter during the weekend. We detail you the most important ones in this dedicated article.

Hearthstone — Some details about Descent of Dragons mechanics

Descent of Dragons will be the last expansion of the Year of the Dragon. For this end of 2019, get ready for a legion of new mechanics and card types. We summarize all the information gleaned from the developers' social networks. The new expansion will be available on December 10, 2019 in the game, but it is already possible to pre-order it! If you do so, you can get Deathwing, the new alternative warrior hero and his card back.

  • Exceptionally, the expansion will have 140 cards, Galakrond being counted separately. (Warrior, Shaman, Demonist, Priest and Thief will have 3 legendary cards). Galakrond and its different versions cannot be obtained through pack opening. To obtain the gold versions, it will be necessary to craft them. You will not be able to disenchant the different versions of Galakrond.
  • Side quests work in a similar way to the Secrets. You can't have two identical ones equipped at the same time. They can also be generated randomly using some cards, unlike traditional quests. In particular, Discovery will sometimes make it possible to receive them.
  • The Quest Explorer works with the side quests.
  • Deathwing, Mad Aspect will attack all servants but it will not take into account the respawn of servants who have Deathrattle and Reborn.
  • All players will receive the neutral legendary card Sathrovarr. Those who purchased the virtual Blizzcon ticket will receive a gold copy of the card.
    Four other neutral legendary cards will be available in the game
  • Tyrande (alternative Priest hero) will be offered in the year. We don't know when yet, but it is likely to come back with the update bringing the new expansion.
  • Nozdormu, the Timeless works in the same way as the Mojomasyer Zihi. If you play it on turn 4, you get a 0/10. If you play it on turn 8, it will be a 4/10.
  • Hearthstone Battlegrounds mode is free with its own MMR and Matchmaking.

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