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Overwatch competitive games are evolving and a map pool will be introduced with the new season!

Overwatch competitive games are evolving and a map pool will be introduced with the new season!

The new competitive season is coming and new features have already been deployed with the latest patch! Discover the new map pool that will appear with the new season!

Overwatch competitive games are evolving and a map pool will be introduced with the new season!

Blizzard just announced Overwatch 2, but don't worry: the teams aren't going to leave Overwatch behind! Update 2.78 has just been released, bringing many changes for the competitive mode. A map pool will be present in the competitive mode. Find all the information below!

Change in the competitive game mode

The beginning and end of all competitive seasons is moved from the 1st day of the month to the first Thursday of the month. The seasons will also start later in order to better adapt to the availability of developers during the day. Season 19 will begin on November 7 at 10:00 am.

Season 19 Map Pool


  • Hanamura
  • Temple of Anubis
  • Volskaya Industries


  • Hollywood
  • King's Row
  • Eichenwald


  • Nepal
  • Lijiang Tower
  • Busan


  • Dorado
  • Watchpoint: Gibraltar
  • Havana

Paris and Lunar Colony Horizon won't be part of the game, and it isn't to displease some who have long criticized these maps. This update will allow developers to focus and improve certain maps. No need to remove a map in the middle of the season, the modifications can take place beforehand without directly impacting the game and especially its ranked part.

It will allow players to perform better over the course of a season, allowing them to focus on learning a small number of maps instead of having to know 21 maps by heart.

Overwatch Update 2.78 and Patch 1.42 deployed on live servers!

Update 2.78 has been deployed with an option to improve the accuracy of your mouse, a competitive map pool, workshop improvements and buffs for Torbjorn and Baptiste. Discover all the information in the article!


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