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FFXIV 5.31 How to get the Highfive - Uncouth Congratulations emote

FFXIV 5.31 How to get the Highfive - Uncouth Congratulations emote

The Highfive — Uncouth Congratulations Emote is new in FFXIV so if you're looking to cheers with your friends here is how to

FFXIV 5.31 How to get the Highfive - Uncouth Congratulations emote

FFXIV How to unlock the Highfive — Uncouth Congratulations Emote

Along with the third phase of the Ishgardian Restoration that came with Patch 5.31 new items are available in Final Fantasy XIV. The new Highfive — Uncouth Congratulations emote will let you cheer with your mates after a successful dungeon or a big catch in the diadem.

FFXIV 5.31 Ballroom Etiquette Uncouth Congratulations, Highfive Emote - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.31 Ballroom Etiquette Uncouth Congratulations, Highfive Emote

Players can exchange the emote for 1.800 Skybuilder Scrips by talking to Enie in the Firmament (X: 12 Y: 14)

FFXIV 5.31 Patch Notes Diadem, Ishgardian Restoration & new mount

FFXIV Patch 5.31 brings new content to the Diadem in Final Fantasy XIV as well as new mounts, glamour items, and the next phase of the Ishgardian Restoration. Check out the comprehensive FFXIV 5.31 Patch Notes here!

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Julien bxakid

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