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How to unlock the Reaper in FFXIV

How to unlock the Reaper in FFXIV

The Reaper is the new body-to-body physical damage class in Final Fantasy XIV and here's our guide on how to unlock it for the release of FFXIV Endwalker.

The Reaper is the twelfth dps available in Final Fantasy XIV and focuses on body to body. The Reaper has two combo cycles where he will first charge his class gauge to summon specter before he can bring him to the arena and change his spell kit for his second phase.

Reaper uses a scythe and shares the same set of armor as the dragon knight, which is the only job that shares the same set as the dragon knight.

How to unlock the Reaper in FFXIV

To be able to play Reaper you must first meet several criteria:

  • Have registered the Endwalker extension on your FFXIV account
  • Have at least one level 70 class

Once these criteria are met you can go to Ul'dah and get the class change quest called "The Killer Instinct" from the Flustered Attendant in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:12.8 Y:8.6).

Once the quest is completed you will get the class crystal as well as the Reaper's starting armor set.

Endwalker is the new expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, released on December 3rd. We will do our best to cover all the new features and produce the guides you may need during the expansion, you can also chek out our many content guides already available here.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!