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How to access the secret boss in the Variant Dungeon of FFXIV 6.25

How to access the secret boss in the Variant Dungeon of FFXIV 6.25

While trying to get your Silkie mount and figuring out the different routes in the Variant dungeon of Final Fantasy XIV 6.25 you might wonder where to find the famous secret boss and here's how to do just that

How to access the secret boss in the Variant Dungeon of FFXIV 6.25

The Variant Dungeons and Criterion made their way to Final Fantasy XIV with Patch 6.25 and you might be looking to fight the very special and secret last boss of the Variant dungeon.

This boss called the Armed Automaton - Thorne Knight is hidden on the way for the 12th route of the survey reccords.

The boss has some very fun mechanics and quite a refreshing look to it and here's how to unlock it.

FFXIV Go the the Armed Automaton - Thorne Knight

To get to the robot knight you need to follow these steps and be cautious not to miss anything:

  1. Take the right door
  2. Do the usual until you kill the first boss
  3. Take the lift on the right after collecting your loot
  4. You will end up in a room with five drakes
  5. Kill the drakes from largest to the smallest
  6. Continue to the room with some ghosts and kill them
  7. Get the incense that spawned on the right of the room
  8. Continue to the sarcophagus (don't be too fast or nanamo will not trigger and you'll wait until you go back to trigger her dialogue)
  9. Select the sarcophagus (only one player) and do the following emotes: /bow /respect /vpose /kneel
  10. Kill the big robot

And here you go, you've done the 12th route and met with the secret boss! For more guides on FFXIV please feel free to check our dediacted portal.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!