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Here's how to unlock and exchange your Garo and Makai Gear in FFXIV

Here's how to unlock and exchange your Garo and Makai Gear in FFXIV

The Garo Collaboration is back in Final Fantasy XIV and here is the location of NPCs to buy your Garo and Makai Gear once you collected enough MGP or Wolf Marks

If you're a Sentai Fan, the Final Fantasy XIV collaboration with Garo is back in the game and players are now able to dive back to the PvP to earn the really famous Makai and Garo gear. These sets are not PvP restricted though as you'll also be able to buy them with your Gold Saucer Points.

The mounts however should still be achievements locked, meaning you'll need to win some pvp!

But how and where to go to buy these sets, we got you covered.

FFXIV Garo & Makai Sets Exchange for Wolf Marks - Shop Location

To purchase your sets using Wolf Marks you'll need to speak with the disreputable priest at the Wolves' Den Pier (X:5.0 Y:5.3).

FFXIV Garo & Makai Sets Exchange for MGP - Shop Location

To purchase your sets with your MGP you'll need to head to the Gold Saucer , the NPC being located at X:5.4 Y:6.6.

Please note that the MGP gear is only a copy and does not count towards the mounts.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!