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How to create a clan to play with friends in V Rising — Multiplayer Guide

How to create a clan to play with friends in V Rising — Multiplayer Guide

Progressing in the Multiplayer part of V Rising could reveal harder than it needs to if you're not part of a clan and here's how to create one.

V Rising's multiplayer features server types that deliver radically different experiences, from simple private co-op with your friends, to hardcore PVP modes where you'll need to have a heightened knowledge of the workings of the world to hope to survive. .

Create a clan to evolve more easily

We've already told you in our tips to take into account during your first hour of play, but a reminder never hurts: if you play solo you may have a lot of trouble progressing properly. We strongly recommend that you round up all your buddies with you if you want to erect a building worthy of Castlevania.

How do I invite someone to a clan?

  • Just press P and write down the name of the player you want to invite. The maximum number of people in a clan is determined in the server rules, so you can have fun on a private server by organizing small 20 VS 20 families.

clan cat

  • To talk to people in your clan wherever you are, enter the /clan command then space in the chat to switch to the group channel.

Shared progress

  • Members of the same clan can already use the workshops of other members of the group to progress at high speed in the red thread quests of V Rising.
V Rising

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!