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Play this bloody Halloween MMO for free!

Play this bloody Halloween MMO for free!

As Halloween approaches, the Stunlock Studios teams have decided to delight players by making their latest hit game, V Rising, free-to-play on Steam... Be careful though, this tempting offer is limited!

Halloween is fast approaching and on this occasion, many developers / manufacturers have decided to delight their community by offering promotions (like those at PlayStation) on the occasion of the most terrifying day of the year. This is particularly the case of Stunlock Studios and its successful sandbox MMO V Rising, which will go free-to-play this weekend for a limited time.

Get V Rising for free!

V Rising is the hit vampiric game from Stunlock Studios. Released on May 17 in early access on Steam , V Rising has already won over fans of the genre and has only shattered the records set by its big brother in the genre, Valheim. With its unique gameplay alternating between survival and intense farming, its dark environment and its fluid co-op, the game had panicked the counters of Steam, sometimes gathering more than 150,000 players simultaneously shortly after its release.

If you were still hesitant to immerse yourself in the shoes of a real vampire, the free-to-play passage of V Rising on Steam should convince you. So you can play Stunlock production for free from October 28th to November 1st . However, if the production charms you and you wish to continue your adventure, you will benefit from a 20% reduction.

V Rising

That's not all !

Indeed, in order to put V Rising players in the Halloween spirit, a DLC is free for everyone . The Haunted Nights Castle Pack allows budding vampires to collect the following items to customize their terrifying castle:

  • Haunted Nights Wall Decor (Wallpapers x2)
  • Haunted Nights Pumpkin Lanterns
  • Haunted Nights stained glass window
  • Haunted Nights Rug
  • Floating Pumpkin Haunted Nights
  • Haunted Nights Standing Mirror
  • Haunted Nights Candle Skulls
  • Sneering Pumpkin Haunted Nights
  • Spooky Smiling Pumpkin Haunted Nights
  • Moaning Pumpkin Haunted Nights
  • Cobwebs for pillars, walls and windows Haunted Nights
  • Coffin Haunted Nights
  • Small Reserve Haunted Nights

    Players will have until November 7 to claim these special Halloween cosmetics to best decorate their castle! With all this, apprentice vampires will have enough to spend a horrific weekend to, why not, end up embarking on the crazy adventure of V Rising.

Do not hesitate to take a look at our guides!

If you want to know more about the vampiric universe of the MMO from Stunlock Studios, our teams offer guides with little onions (and not all, be careful) , which will allow you to be totally unbeatable on V Rising.

  • How to start well?
  • 5 mistakes to avoid at all costs!
  • Complete Guide to V Rising Weapons.
  • 5 ways to surprise your enemies in PvP.
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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!