And as usual, it's the excellent site Mapgenie, specialized in interactive maps of this type, which provides us with a map allowing you to optimize your farming routes on V Rising. As we said a little above, it will be very useful if you want to get into the deep end of PVP fairly quickly, even if we tend to advise against doing so , at least not before having integrated the few gameplay specifics .
Interactive map
There too, a small usual disclaimer: we recommend that you avoid the use of this interactive map if you plan to browse the game in PVE with friends. Indeed, a good part of the fun of the game is done in the exploration and discovery of this famous card. If you want a good comparison on the structure of the game in terms of pure progression, we find ourselves quite close to a Valheim, with its bosses to be decimated by following their trace on the map to recover their powers. And it works really well, so it would be a shame to interfere with your gaming pleasure by using the card below.
Boss hunting is essential
This is the nerve of the war in player versus player in V Rising: if you are looking for new powers to refine your gameplay, you will necessarily have to go through elite streum cleaning, to be tracked from your altar of blood (to be built fairly quickly in the progression via a quest). But as you can imagine, you are going to be confronted with a very heavy resistance. The whole game will therefore be to improve your equipment little by little, to improve your damage on more advanced resources and thus make you a set capable of withstanding the shock against bosses.