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V Rising: What is the maximum item level?

V Rising: What is the maximum item level?

While waiting for a roadmap and the addition of new content, already planned by the developers, let's see what is the max level for your vampire on V Rising. Note that the game will be in early access for a year and therefore things may change in a few months.

Progression through the different tiers of V Rising is done via item level, which will increase as you upgrade your weapon and armor. A higher level means that you will be able to tap more and more valuable ores with your tools, the ilvl also influences the fishing points in which you can cast your rod. In this short guide, we will see what the maximum level is and what the future holds for us for the rest of the game.

What is the maximum item level?

For the moment you can go up to level 81 by equipping yourself with the best pieces of armor, the best weapons and the best jewelry that the various workshops of V Rising can offer. Note that helmets and capes do not affect the item level at all and that the rarity level stops at "purple" for the moment. You will need to reach these levels if you want to challenge the game's 3 ultimate blood altar bosses, knowing that blood type of one of the blood type classes is able to add an ultimate point to your score thanks to a passive . able to cause mayhem on a PVP server: the last set is quite easily spotted, if you come across an enemy equipped in this way, be sure of yourself before engaging in combat.

best set

  • Shadowmoon Breastplate
  • Shadowmoon Leggings
  • Shadowmoon Gloves
  • Shadowmoon Boots
V Rising

And later ?

Dataminers who have been poking around in V Rising's files have found assets for item level 131 . This is completely consistent with what is already present on the game map, since the entire eastern region is still missing. It will probably be possible to pass through the cursed forest, but for the moment everything is closed and it is impossible to pass. Stunlock therefore reserves the addition of at least one new area and one new tier to explore, two contents which will surely be put online during the early access which should last, as a reminder, a dozen months.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!