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Tower of Fantasy traveler: how to get this vehicle?

Tower of Fantasy traveler: how to get this vehicle?

Want to get the toy car to get around Tower of Fantasy? In this guide, we focus on the different ways to obtain this vehicle, the Traveler. Completing a quest, defeating opponents and exploring will be in order!

Are you fed up with the cube or the motorbike and you want to impose your style on Tower of Fantasy with the vehicle named Voyageur? Carefree ! In this guide, you can find the complete walkthrough to recover the four parts of this mount.

How to get the Traveler vehicle in Tower of Fantasy?

Basically, you will have to complete a secret quest, defeat opponents until one of the pieces falls, use logic when an exploration puzzle and then finally repair radio towers in Navia. We warn you, you will have to cook, but also travel a lot!

Tower of Fantasy

Where can I find the Voyager's Engine?


Before embarking on this quest, you will have to show your cooking skills; Indeed, one dish will be needed to obtain the Traveler's Engine: Grilled Meat. You will need 2 Game Meat which you can easily harvest by killing Aesperia Fauna.

Tower of Fantasy

If you still haven't collected the Cockpit of the Beast at omnium VII

If you have already done the quest The secret of the Hyenas: Base of the Hyenas of Banges , we invite you to skip this paragraph, because you have already unlocked the second part of the quest which happens to be the Carnival of the Hyenas.

However, for those who have not yet done this quest, here is a quick summary of the things to do:

  • Head to the secret base located west of Banges in the sea (see screenshot 1)
  • Talk to the guard then head for the City of Banges, more commonly known as the Port of Banges to speak with the Port Guard Lozwall (see screenshot 2)
  • Once you have finished talking to him, return to the secret base at sea and talk to the Hyena guard again, giving him the following two answers : "Be the most progressive Hyena!" then "For the most progressive Hyena!"
  • Thus, you will have access to the secret base; remember to collect the supply module which will allow you to have one of the parts of the Omnium Beast vehicle VII and consult the tablet which is next to it (see screenshot 3)

    This way you will be able to access the "second part of the mission" which will give you access to Navia's FC-11 Platform .

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

If you have already collected the Cockpit of the Beast at omnium VII

Now we can finally get to the heart of the matter!

After talking with the entire Secret Base, teleport to Space Rift: Rainmaker Island and then set sail to reach Platform FC-11. When talking to the guard, you will have to answer him:

  • I'm here for the Carnival of the Hyenas
  • queen of hyenas
  • This is the seventh Hyena Carnival

    In this way, you will be able to enter the base. On the platform above the entrance to the base, you will have to give the Grilled Meat to the Member of the Hyenas who will give you access to the Supply Module which holds the Voyager's Engine.

Position of the FC-11 Platform - Tower of Fantasy
Position of the FC-11 Platform
The FC-11 Platform - Tower of Fantasy
The FC-11 Platform

Where to find the Voyager's Thruster?

For this game, you will have to face 4 opponents: the Four Powers. Each of them has a chance of dropping the Traveler's Thruster, but the probability of obtaining them is quite low, so you will have to eliminate them a good number of times before having the object of your desires.

The opponents to beat are: Okka, Hethlu, Smoli and Sendyrs . But where are they? That's good, we found them for you and here are their positions!

The Four Powers: Hethlu

Hethlu can be found in the Port of Ravagers located north of the Space Rift: Stormmaker Island just below the island of Cetus in Navia.

Below, you will find two screenshots allowing you to recognize it, but also to know its position.

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

The Four Powers: Smoll

Smoll is located just below the Isle of Cetus, on the western cliffs just north of the Space Rift: Rainmaker Isle in Navia. She guards an abandoned truck with the following code: 3344.

Below, you will find two screenshots allowing you to recognize it, but also to know its position.

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

The Four Powers: Okka

This one is a little further north of Smoll, in a Small Fortress in the center of Navia's Rainmaker Island.

Below, you will find two screenshots allowing you to recognize it, but also to know its position.

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

The Four Powers: Sendrys

Sendrys will also be on a Small Fortress located southeast of Navia Bay.

Below, you will find two screenshots allowing you to recognize it, but also to know its position.

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

Where can I find the Traveler's Control Module?

This piece is relatively easy to find! Within Crescent Shores, you can find a Refuge on the shore opposite Lumina in Crown Mines. It will be easily found, because a Small Fortress guards the refuge. At the top of the walkway, you will find a building blocked by a blue barrier; by entering the correct password into the electronic lock, you will be able to reach the supply module which holds the Traveler's Control Module.

The password to open the electronic lock is: 3594

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

Where to find the Traveler's Hull (and the Colossus Arms)?

Voyager's Hull can be found in the Navia Ecological Park, but before that you'll need to activate the Rainmaker Island Radio Tower and repair two others to access it.

Rainmaker Island Radio Tower

It is east of the Ravagers' Base, but also west of the World Boss Cryobot. As you go upstairs in this red-tinted tower, you'll come across a dashboard that requires an action to activate.

The password to activate the dashboard is: 5972

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

Ruins radio tower C-02

This tower is located right next to the C-02 Ruins of Navia to the east of Navia Bay; a small fortress is exactly where the tower is, so you can't miss it. In order to make it operational, on the dashboard , you will have to repair the affixes. Nothing will happen, it's normal, you will have to interact a second time to activate the device. A small cutscene will launch, confirming the completion of this part.

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

Seventh Day Forest radio tower

For this tower, you will need 2 Toolkits which you can obtain by opening Fine Gifts that can be purchased in the Bazaar via the Points Shop. When opening both gifts, choose the Toolkits and don't give them to any of your simulacra; keep them safe.

The tower is located south of the Space Rift: Seventh Day Forest - north, on top of a cliff. The tower is marked by a Small Fortress, so you can't miss it.

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

Once in the tower, clear it of opponents and use your Toolkits on the power plants: one is outside, the other two are inside. Then you just have to go to the dashboard and activate the device.

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy

Then you just have to go to the middle of Navia Bay to enter the ecological park. Many modules await you there, including the Traveler's Control Module and the relic of the Colossus Arms which will be on the central tower.

Tower of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy


To go faster, we invite you to take Cetus Island as your starting point; you will be able to navigate through the air thanks to your Jetpack and thus easily and quickly reach each of the towers to be repaired.

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Julien bxakid

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