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Overwatch: PTR 1.44 Patch Notes, Mei, Hanzo, Orisa, Baptiste nerfs & D.Va buff

Overwatch: PTR 1.44 Patch Notes, Mei, Hanzo, Orisa, Baptiste nerfs & D.Va buff

After Jeff Kaplan's and Josh Noh's statements about the next updates, we already have the answers to our questions since the new Overwatch 1.44 Patch Notes is now available on the PTR.

Overwatch: PTR 1.44 Patch Notes, Mei, Hanzo, Orisa, Baptiste nerfs & D.Va buff

This PTR 1.44 Patch Notes on Overwatch provides an option for custom games as well as buffs and nerves for multiple heroes. This patch should change the meta by nerfing Baptiste who might be less present in the competitive scene. D.Va's buff shouldn't necessarily directly impact the meta, but it could make her a very powerful hero in the future!

Overwatch PTR Patch Notes — January 9, 2020



Immortality Field

  • Maximum duration reduced from 8 to 5 seconds
  • Cooldown increased from 20 to 25 seconds

Amplification Matrix

  • Ultimate cost increased by 20%


Endothermic Blaster (Primary Fire)

  • Slowing effect now reduces enemy movement speed from 20-70%, down from 30-90%
  • Slowing effect duration reduced from 1.5 to 1.0 second



  • Cooldown decreased from 5 to 3 seconds



  • Damage reduction reduced from 50% to 40%


Storm Bow (Primary Fire)

  • Maximum projectile speed reduced from 125 to 110


Rising Uppercut

  • Recovery time increased from 0.2 to 0.5 seconds


  • The Lobby section of Custom Game Settings has a new option “Data Center Preference”. This option provides the game creator with more control over where the game will be hosted. The default “Best Available” choice automatically provides the creator with the best quality connection available to them. We only suggest choosing a specific datacenter if no single datacenter can simultaneously provide the best connection to all players. This is usually only the case when the players participating in the custom game are located in different geographic regions of the world.
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Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.