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FFXIV 5.5 Live Letter Part 1: Nier Automata Part 3, Bozja and more

FFXIV 5.5 Live Letter Part 1: Nier Automata Part 3, Bozja and more

In today's FF14 Live Letter, the Final Fantasy XIV team revealed more of Patch 5.4 content. This update includes details on the transition to Endwalker, changes made to the Bozjan Southern front, and more. Here is our 5.5 FFXIV Live Letter Translation.

FFXIV 5.5 Live Letter Part 1: Nier Automata Part 3, Bozja and more

Images courtesy of Square Enix

Patch 5.5 of Final Fantasy XIV is coming in quite a while but today's Live Letter revealed more about what's next.

If you miss the announcement, you can find more about Patch 5.5 release date here.

This Live Letter was quite short in term details as more will be shared during the second part. It started with the announcement of the upcoming content and was followed by a segment with the Lead Project Manager of the game.

FFXIV 5.5 Live Letter Translation - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 Live Letter Translation

The team first started by explaining that this story would introduce Endwalker's story.

FFXIV 5.5 New instanced dungeon Pagith'an

This new dungeon will be accessible with the Trust system.

FFXIV 5.5 new dungeon - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 new dungeon

FFXIV 5.5 New Chronicles of a New Era

FFXIV 5.5 New Chronicles of a New Era - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 New Chronicles of a New Era

FFXIV 5.5 New Trial: The Cloud Deck

A new Trial will be added in Normal and Extreme version featuring the Diamon Weapon as the boss.

This trial will be the finale for this story.

FFXIV 5.5 Diamond Weapon - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 Diamond Weapon

FFXIV 5.5 YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse Chapter Three

While the title of this new chapter is still secret, the team shared an enigmatic screenshot with us. A ball that look like the second chapter's last boss, in what looks like the final area of that alliance raid.

They also explained that after clearing this duty, a weekly quest will become available.

FFXIV 5.5 Nier Automata Alliance Raid 3 - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 Nier Automata Alliance Raid 3

FFXIV 5.5 Job adjustments

This part was really quick, but some job adjustments are coming with Patch 5.5 for both PVE and PVP. More details on those changes will be shared in the future.

FFXIV 5.45 Relic upgrade explained

As some player were confused about how upgrading the relic works, Yoship-P decided to come back on the relic and give more details on how to upgrade them on the actual patch.

The team also addressed the problem of how difficult it is to find players for Castrum Licore that is needed for the relic story. To make things easier, new rewards will be added in the future.

Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XIV

FFXIV 5.5 Final Step of Relic Weapon Upgrade

With this new update the relic weapons will be finished, a new zone has also been announced and is called Zadnor.

FFXIV 5.5 Live Letter Translation - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 Live Letter Translation

FFXIV 5.5 New Unreal Trial

While it is still a secret for now, new unreal content is coming.

FFXIV 5.5 Gatherer and Crafter update

More content is coming for gatherer and crafters, with new and more challenging expert recipes and additions to the gathering logs.

FFXIV 5.5 Gatherer update - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 Gatherer update
FFXIV 5.5 Crafter update - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 Crafter update

FFXIV 5.5 Ishgardian Restoration Update & New Custom Delivery

With this patch, the Ishgardian restoration being completed imply new content there. From now on the Firmament will periodically celebrate the restoration with a new "fêtes" system.

A new custom delivery will also become available with a story linked to the Firmament.

FFXIV 5.5 Triple Triade and Explorer Mode update

Adjustments to 4* cards are coming to Triple Triade, the acquisition rate will be changed and new rewards for the game will be added.

The Explorer mode will now feature the dungeons from Stormblood and you'll be able to disable the item level sync and use your instruments in explorer mode too.

FFXIV 5.5 New Mount for collecting all Shadowbringer's dragons.

Just like with previous expansions, collecting all of Shadowbringers trial mounts will get you an exclusive mount.

FFXIV 5.5 Mecha Dragon Mount - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.5 Mecha Dragon Mount

More information will be shared in the second part of the 5.5 Live Letter that will be held later on.

If you missed the information about the next expansion of the game, please feel free to check our dedicated articles on our FFXIV Portal.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!