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V Rising Patch 0.5.41237: Server Improvements and Major Bug Fixes

V Rising Patch 0.5.41237: Server Improvements and Major Bug Fixes

With this Thursday patch new changes made it to V Rising and here's the complete Patch Notes

V Rising is the game of the moment. After being launched in early access two days ago, the title is already number 1 in sales on Steam . The creators of the remarkable hero-brawler Battlerite deliver us a vampire sandbox in which it is possible to build our own castle, create our weapons and armor, and above all, fight against all kinds of beasts.

Well, after just 48 hours, Stunlock Studios is releasing their first patch. This is a fairly small update, focused on fixing some issues and bugs known to players, e. "We are focused on optimizing the servers to make sure they are running like silk despite the large number of players they are getting, but we were also able to add some important bug fixes," says Stuclock.

Patch Notes 0.5.41237

  • General server optimizations to improve server stability and performance.
  • Fixed an issue where the day-night cycle could get out of sync if server settings were changed.
  • Fixed an issue where explosives could be used to blow up palisades on PvE servers, as well as PvP servers, outside of the restricted time window.
  • Fixed an issue where interacting with haystacks in the world would push players out of the world instead of hiding inside.
  • Tooltips for Corrupted, Immaculate, and Exquisite Hearts have been updated to better communicate the purpose of these items.
  • Castle status now displays a warning when you have less than 24 hours of blood essence upkeep in your castle.
  • Some minor tweaks to the deposit table. Immaculate Hearts should now be easier to obtain as drops from standard units.
  • The colors of the server list for the different game modes have been changed to more clearly communicate the main types when browsing the server list.
  • Added text for the journal when not tracking a Blood V unit to better communicate the importance of tracking and obtaining new tech and recipes. This text is only displayed until certain Blood V units have been defeated.

A great success in sight?

To return to the game itself, the first comparisons are more than obvious. About a year ago Valheim Early Access was released, a Viking title that had us hooked thanks to its unstoppable combo of bosses, crafting and farming. Although it's more action-oriented and recycles a part of Battlerite when it comes to combat, the truth is that it's a really deep and interesting game.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!