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Minecraft welcomes Pre Release 2 and 3

Minecraft welcomes Pre Release 2 and 3

In a few weeks, Minecraft players will be able to discover version 1.19 of the Mojang Studios title called the Wild Update. But before having the final version of this one, the developers share the different Pre Releases and this week we welcome 2 and 3.

For several days now, if not for several weeks, we have been lucky enough to be able to get some glimpses of the next major Minecraft update through the various Snapshots and Pre Releases .

Version 1.19, the Wild Update will allow the introduction of many new features, with among others the Warden , the guardian of the caves, the Deep Dark biome , a new variant of the swamps with the mangrove swamps , the establishment of frogs and tadpoles , the 'Allay (which will prove to be a formidable ally), but also modifications and improvements to certain elements such as the cat, or the addition of new commands such as the possibility of generating a certain type of terrain.

This week, it's not one but two Pre Releases that the Mojang Studios game hosted. Unlike Snapshots, Pre Releases mainly allow you to correct or modify certain things. Here are the details of these.

Minecraft Pre Release 2 Patch Note Version 1.19

A recent change has allowed more types of monsters to spawn inside Nether portals, causing them to instantly change dimension after spawning. We won't be making any further changes to this until 1.19 is released, but our intention is to prevent most mobs from spawning in Nether portals and ensure that those who do don't not immediately pass through the portal. Expect to see these changes in an upcoming release.

Pre Release 2 Changes

  • If the Warden is stuck in liquid, it furiously disintegrates instead of burrowing.
  • Reverted to using the generic equip sound when equipping blocks in the head slot.

Bug fixes

  • MC-186148 - 'death.attack.witherSkull.item' shows raw translation string (untranslated)
  • MC-186851 - 'death.attack.sting.item' shows raw translation string (untranslated)
  • MC-207268 – Sculk sensors do not detect removing bark from logs, plowing dirt or creating dirt path.
  • MC-208759 – Sculk sensor 'block placed' does not trigger when villagers place crops.
  • MC-208760 – Sculk sensor 'block placed' does not trigger when snow golems place snow layers.
  • MC-208761 – Sculk sensor 'block destroyed' does not trigger when blocks are destroyed by pistons.
  • MC-209701 – Sculk sensors are not activated when placing food on a campfire.
  • [MC-209900] – Sculk sensors are not activated when inserting or picking up music discs in jukeboxes.
  • MC-210330 – Sculk sensors are not activated when casting eyes of ender.
  • MC-210489 – Sculk sensors are not activated when sharp speleothems fill partially filled cauldrons.
  • MC-210496 – Sculk sensors are not activated when harvesting sweet berries.
  • MC-210801 – Wool incorrectly hides vibration of frames being placed
  • MC-212430 – Sculk sensors are not activated when rain or snow partially fills cauldrons.
  • MC-213387 – Sculk sensors don't detect endermen/shulkers teleporting from place to place.
  • MC-220086 – Sculk sensors do not detect when using an ax to scrape wax/oxidation from a copper block.
  • MC-220087 – Sculk sensors do not detect using honeycomb to wax copper.
  • MC-249696 – In some empty worlds, player doesn't spawn on the stone platform.
  • MC-250259 – Warden AI doesn't work properly when riding entities.
  • MC-250941 - Goat horns don't break on copper ore
  • MC-250956 – Baby horned goats lose their horns when fed.
  • MC-251314 - Ancient worlds charged goats lose their horns
  • MC-251336 – Dark fog flashes at high duration values
  • MC-251412 – Warden inflicting darkness effect on players on the same team.
  • MC-251500 – Wardens ignore PersistenceRequired and dig.
  • [MC-251601] – Incorrect rendering of darkness when reloading the game
  • MC-251639 – Warden emergent particles don't match the block they emerge on during the whole path.
  • MC-251646 - 'death.attack.sonic_boom.item' shows raw (untranslated) translation string
  • MC-251670 – Villagers don't always fill their stock.
  • MC-251675 – Mine shafts in Mesa no longer spawn with /place command outside of badlands, although the structure was spawned successfully.
  • MC-251736 – Reflected ghast fireball can't hit ghost.
  • MC-251824 – Wardens don't get angry from being hit by projectiles with no damage.
  • MC-251854 – 'Spread' advancement can be granted by killing a mob that does not give experience.
  • MC-251859 – Equipment sound plays every time armor or elytron durability changes while equipped.
  • MC-251860 – minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is played when giving items to allays.
  • MC-251862 – Click + shift on destroy item button in creative inventory creates vibration when there is nothing in your equipment slots.
  • MC-251864 – minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound plays when filling water buckets with fish, axolotls or tadpoles.
  • MC-251871 – minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is played and can only be heard by other players when passing an item from hand to hand.
  • MC-251876 – Villagers play armor equip sound when previewing armor.
  • [MC-251889] – io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException when evaluating too many entity selectors in chat preview
  • [MC-251890] - run_command click events send value as command instead of chat message
  • MC-251915 – Milking cows, mooshrooms and goats plays armor equip sound
  • MC-251916 – Eating food that flips empty containers makes armor equip sound sound
  • MC-251919 – Equipping player head, skull or carved pumpkin shows generic subtitle "Gear equips".
  • MC-251920 – Removing a plant from a pot plays armor gear sound and subtitle
  • MC-251921 – Equipping horse armor on a horse makes "Gear equips" sound.
  • MC-251922 – “Gear equips” sound plays when equipping or removing a saddle from a horse wearing horse armor.
  • MC-251924 – Armor equip sounds and subtitles play when foxes pick up an item.
  • MC-251925 – Armor equip sounds and subtitles play when dolphins throw items
  • MC-251927 - Armor equip sounds and subtitles play when "CanPickUpLoot" mobs pick up items
  • MC-251928 – Armor equip sounds play when filling a single honey bottle
  • MC-251929 – Armor equip sounds play when filling a water bottle from a water source.

Minecraft Pre Release 3 Patch Note Version 1.19

Now is the time for Minecraft 1.19 Preview 3, which will be our last preview for this week. In this pre-release, we changed the sonic boom attack and fixed more bugs.

Pre Release 3 Changes

  • The Warden's sonic attack now bypasses damage reduction by armor enchantments such as Protection.

Bug fixes

  • MC-209932 – Sculk sensors only detect last turtle egg breakage when stepped on.
  • MC-210277 – Sculk sensors are not activated when hens lay eggs.
  • MC-210278 – Sculk sensors are not activated when bees enter or leave their hive or nest.
  • MC-214622 – Sculk sensors do not detect light sensor mode switching.
  • MC-249094 – Unexpected removal of sculk howler inner faces.
  • MC-249097 – Sculk howler sides and bottom not cleared by solid blocks
  • MC-249230 – Frogs prefer to eat entities rather than panic when taking damage.
  • MC-250162 – Placing a map in a frame will break any intersection between paintings and frames containing a map.
  • MC-250238 – Frogs try to move towards entities out of their reach causing them to constantly spin and twitch.
  • MC-250983 – Allays can get stuck inside unfilled blocks.
  • MC-251220 – Block lighting on extended parts is much darker in 22w17a than in 1.18.2.
  • [MC-251420] – Demo mode: The destination of the "Buy now" link is incorrect.
  • MC-251858 - Subtitles are higher than in previous versions
  • MC-251872 – Game output and server console saves with warnings about chat packets with invalid signatures when using entity selectors in commands.
  • MC-251878 – Sculk sensors that hear dropped objects on the ground do not alert screamers, even if a player knocks them down.
  • [MC-251968] – Executing commands related to "/execute" in chat shows error message "Received chat packet without valid signature"
  • MC-252071 – Warden still detects after death if signal travels before death.
  • MC-252078 – Allays no longer flee or panic when taking damage.
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