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Minecraft: Release Candidate 1 further protects players

Minecraft: Release Candidate 1 further protects players

Since the arrival of the Wild Update in Minecraft, the developers at Mojang Studios have been constantly making some changes to the cubic title. This time it is Release Candidate 1 of version 1.19 with mainly changes concerning the game chat.

June 7 marked the arrival of the Wild Update in Minecraft, with several new features on the program including the Deep Dark biome , a few mobs like the Warden or the Allay , but also new blocks through the mangrove swamps.

This time, it is indeed the turn of Release Candidate 1 to appear with several corrections and modifications mainly affecting in-game chat reports with the deletion of certain categories but also the modification of some of them .

Minecraft Version 1.19 Release Candidate 1 Patch Note

Release Candidate 1 Changes

  • Updated categories for chat reports
    - The categories "profanity", "nudity or pornography" and "extreme violence or gore" have been removed.
    - The description of the "Drugs and Alcohol" category has been updated to "Someone encourages others to take part in illegal drug-related activities or encourages underage consumption of alcohol".
    - The description of the category "Harassment and bullying" has been supplemented with the following text: or displays private personal information about you or someone else without your consent ("doxing").

Release Candidate 1 Technical Changes

  • Clicking on the run_command event of text components no longer directly sends chat messages.
    - Only commands are supported. So use a command like /say instead.
    - This means that values must now always be prefixed with '/'.
  • Increased the amount of chat context sent with each chat report.

Release Candidate 1 Bug Fixes

  • MC-250020 – Les Allay doesn't ignore items when mobGriefing is set to false.
  • MC-252511 – Bedrock doesn't generate on new blend border between old and new blend.
  • MC-252987 – Illegal '\n' character in clickEvent text component
  • MC-253114 – Select boxes in the “Select chat messages to report” menu don't disappear when deselecting fields after re-entering the menu.
  • MC-253188 – Selection boxes in the “Select Chat Messages to Report” menu have a slightly different size depending on how they are selected.
  • MC-253225 – Field selection boxes in player report menu lists do not contain white outlines when selected using the TAB key.
  • MC-253227 – Players can only be reported using the reporting system if they are present in the world.
  • MC-253336 – Using ender's eye crashes game in seed: -3721742095548798177
  • MC-253422 – Selecting the text “Please report violations of our Community Standards” in the “Select report category” menu is slightly confusing because the words “Community Standards” are underlined by default.
The Crop Top Glamour and Shiba Inu Mounts are finally available

After months since the datamining and preview on korean servers, we finally get our own shiba dog mount and crop top glamour and here's the in-game preview. Looks like they're not even gender locked!

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!