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Tower of Fantasy: this crazy bug makes you fly over the map without having to check your stamina

Tower of Fantasy: this crazy bug makes you fly over the map without having to check your stamina

Just days after the global release of Tower of Fantasy, some of the game's characters are already beginning to reveal secret abilities, which one wonders if they were anticipated by the developers. This is the case with Ene, apparently able to fly with his big hammer!

Despite the efforts of the developers, the overall launch of Tower of Fantasy did not go without a hitch. Players particularly regret excessively long queues, as well as recurring connection failures. The editor did what he could to stem these major concerns as quickly as possible, and he left aside more "harmless" bugs. Yet it is one of these, on a lighter note, that will interest us today. It concerns the character of Ene, who is apparently able to fly long distances by spinning his hammer vertically.

Bug or secret exploration skill?

One can wonder if this move of Ene was anticipated by the development teams of the game. It strongly resembles a bug allowing to fly over very long distances, but it could well be a hidden combo, specific to Ene, which would set it apart from other Simulacrums in the game when it comes to exploration .

On Genshin Impact for example, certain character skills greatly facilitate the exploration of places, or the completion of dungeons. Longer jumps, surfing on ledges and perilous ravines... So much so that some tier lists distinguish characters who are strong in combat, and those who perform better in exploration.

Maybe this bug isn't one, then. Still, the move is quite tricky to perform, and most players fail to reproduce it, despite countless attempts. Let's stay on the lookout for the next patch note patch to have the end of the story.

Who are the best Character Simulacrum in the game?

To your summons! The great rival of Genshin Impact is released in a global version, and the question of the quality of the heroes / simulacra of ToF is already starting to arise. If you want to know if your account is cleared and if you have the right characters to advance in the game, it's here!

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!