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LoL Teamfight Tactics, TFT: 08/07 Patch, Elise, Guardian Angel

LoL Teamfight Tactics, TFT: 08/07 Patch, Elise, Guardian Angel

The 9.14 Patch will soon hit the live servers of Teamfight Tactics with its set of new features. However, Riot devs have just updated the PBE once again with another batch of new content. Elise becoming viable, the new Guardian Angel, and more — find all details in the article below!

LoL Teamfight Tactics, TFT: 08/07 Patch, Elise, Guardian Angel

Following the previous PBE patch of Teamfight Tactics — which introduced Ranked Mode — Riot Devs pushed a hidden patch during the night. The Guardian Angel has been reworked, and Spatula seems to be targeted for a future rework as well.

To be also noted, Elise has shifted from Uncommon to Common rarity, meaning her price has decreased from 2 to 1 gold. Moreover, her spiderlings should now apply on-hit effects. Did you hear about our Lord and Saviour "Titanic Hydra"?

Guardian Angel

[NEW] Now revives with 500 hp and +1 star

Cursed Blade

[NEW] Can now shrink units to Zero-Star. Zero-Star champions have decreased base stats and half of their maximum health pool.

Warmog's Armor

• Now regens 6% max health instead of 3%

Frozen's Heart - Buff

Attack Speed reduction increased from 20 to 25%

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Attack Speed per stack increased from 3 to 4%


• Shifted from Uncommon to Common rarity
Spiderlings now apply on-hit effects.


• Spatula items now give extra stats on top of the class change

Zeke's Herald

• Now only apply to units in the same row as opposed to ALL adjacent units. It seems that the range has also been reduced to three tiles (on each side of the champion)

Locket of the Iron Solari

• Now only apply to units in the same row as opposed to ALL adjacent units.

Teamfight Tactics — Become a pro-player with our Item Cheat Sheet!

In TFT, there are numerous items that you can get all throughout the game. Merging two items will create stronger tools in your quest for victory. Alongside several build suggestions, here you can find everything you need to know about items!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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