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Teamfight Tactics: Reckoning Cheat Sheets - Champions, Traits and Items

Teamfight Tactics: Reckoning Cheat Sheets - Champions, Traits and Items
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The new Set should be released soon, so here is the rundown on all the Champions and Traits!

Teamfight Tactics: Reckoning Cheat Sheets - Champions, Traits and Items

There are nearly 60 Champions in this Teamfight Tactics Set. Here is the run down.

1 Cost

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Teamfight Tactics

Aatrox - Redeemed Legionnaire

Deathbringer Strike - Aatrox strikes his target, dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage, and heals himself for a percentage of his maximum Health.

Damage: 100/210/225%
Healing: 25/30/40%

Gragas - Dawnbringer Brawler

Drunken Rage - Gragas drinks from his cask, granting him damage reduction for 4 seconds, and causing his next Basic Attack to deal bonus magic damage.

Damage Reduction: 40/50/60%
Damage: 175/250/400

Kalista - Abomination Legionnaire

Pierce - Kalista hurls a spear towards the farthest enemy, dealing a percentage of her Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage to the first enemy it hits. If this kills the target, the spear continues and will deal the overkill damage to the next target it hits.

Damage: 200/225/250
Bonus Damage: 400/700/1100

Kha'Zix - Dawnbringer Assassin

Taste Their Fear- Kha'Zix slashes the nearest enemy, dealing magic damage. If the enemy has no adjacent allies, this damage is increased to.

Damage: 250/350/550
Isolation Damage: 750/1050/1650

Kled - Hellion Cavalier

Violent Tendencies - Passive: Kled enters combat on Skaarl, granting him a shield for 80% of his maximum health. When the shield is broken he dismounts, briefly becoming untargetable, and granting him Attack Speed and causing every 4th attack to deal 200% of his Attack Damage.

Attack Speed: 50/60/70%

Leona - Redeemed Knight

Solar Barrier - Leona raises her shield, reducing all incoming damage by for 4 seconds.

Damage Reduction: 40/80/400

Lissandra - Coven Renewer

1000 Daggers - Lissandra hurls a dagger toward the enemy with the highest Attack Damage, dealing magic damage to the first target it hits. After hitting its initial target or at its final destination, the dagger explodes dealing magic damage to nearby targets. All enemies hit by this spell have their Attack Damage reduced by 40% for 4 seconds.

Damage: 350/450/550
Explosion Damage: 175/225/275

Poppy - Hellion Knight

Buckler Toss - Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks damage.

Damage: 100/150/225
Damage Block: 200/300/450

Udyr - Draconic Skirmisher

Feral Instinct - Udyr swaps between Turtle and Tiger stance with each cast, gaining the following benefits:

Turtle: Gains a health shield for 4 seconds.
Tiger: Strikes 3 times quickly with his next Basic Attack for a percentage of his Attack Damage.

Turtle Shield: 200/300/450
Tiger Damage: 100/110/120%

Vayne - Forgotten Ranger

Silver Bolts - Vayne's attacks apply Silver Bolts. The third stack consumes all stacks on the target to deal bonus true damage.

Damage: 85/110/160

Vladimir - Nightbringer Renewer

Transfusion - Vladimir deals magic damage to the target and heals himself.

Damage: 250/350/500
Heal: 250/350/500

Warwick - Forgotten Brawler

Infinite Duress - Warwick leaps to the enemy with the lowest percent health, stunning them and dealing magic damage and healing himself for 100% of the damage over 2 seconds. If this ability kills the target, Warwick will instantly cast again.

Damage: 200/300/450

Ziggs - Hellion Spellweaver

Arcane Bomb - Ziggs throws an arcane bomb at his target, dealing magic damage.

Damage: 200/300/500

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Brand - Abomination Spellweaver

Sear - Brand launches a ball of fire at nearest non-seared enemy, searing them for magic damage over 12 seconds. Seared enemies have reduced Magic Resist.

Damage: 550/700/1000
Magic Resist: 40/50/60%

Hecarim - Forgotten Cavalier

Spirit of Dread - Hecarim creates an aura around himself for 3 seconds. Each enemy within takes magic damage, and Hecarim heals himself for over the duration.

Damage: 300/400/800
Heal: 450/600/1200

Kennen - Hellion Skirmisher

Flame Rush - Kennen engulfs himself in flame, dashing behind his target, then to the farthest enemy. Enemies he passes through are zapped dealing magic damage and stunning them for seconds.

Damage: 150/200/400
Stun: 1.5/2/3

Leblanc - Coven Assassin

Ethereal Chains - LeBlanc launches ethereal chains at the two enemies nearest her, dealing magic damage and, after a short delay, stunning them for seconds.

Damage: 150/225/400
Stun: 1.5/2/3

Nautilus - Ironclad Knight

Anchor Slam - Nautilus erupts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up and stunning them for a few seconds and dealing magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the target receive half of this effect.

Stun: 3/4/6
Damage: 100/200/500

Sejuani - Nightbringer Cavalier

Fury of the North - Sejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing magic damage and stunning the target for 4 seconds. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her Armor and Magic Resist for a few seconds.

Damage: 60/120/200
Armor And Magic Resist: 300/450/900
Duration: 2/3/4

Sett - Draconic Brawler

Haymaker - Sett pulls back for a punch, shredding flat armor for 10 seconds and dealing a percentage of his attack damage as physical damage to all enemies in the area.

Armor: 15/20/25
Damage: 200/220/250%

Soroka - Dawnbringer Renewer

Equinox - Soraka calms the area around the enemy with the highest current percent mana, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and increasing the cost of their next ability.

Damage: 150/250/500
Mana Reave: 35/35/50%

Syndra - Redeemed Invoker

Force Of Will - Syndra grabs the nearest enemy and flings them towards the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon impact and stunning the thrown target for seconds.

Damage: 250/350/650
Stun: 2/2.5/4

Thresh - Forgotten Knight

Death Sentence - Thresh throws his scythe, chaining to the farthest enemy dealing magic damage and pulling them toward himself for a few seconds.

Damage: 100/200/300
Pull: 2/3/5

Trundle - Dragonslayer Skirmisher

Subjugate - Trundle drains the strength of his current target, stealing a percentage of their Health, Armor, Magic Resist, and Attack Damage for 6 seconds.

Steal: 30/40/50%

Varus - Redeemed Ranger

Hail of Arrows - Varus fires a hail of arrows around his target, dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage as physical damage. Varus and allies within the area are blessed, causing them to deal bonus magic damage with their attacks for 6 seconds.

Magic Damage: 25/50/100

Viktor - Forgotten Spellweaver

Siphon Power - Viktor blasts his target, dealing magic damage to the nearest enemy and granting a shield to the ally nearest to that enemy for 3 seconds.

Damage: 250/350/600
Shield: 250/350/600

3 Cost

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Ashe - Verdant Draconic Ranger

Enchanted Arrow - Ashe fires an arrow at the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and stunning them. If the arrow travels at least 5 hexes, the stun duration is doubled. Enemies within 1 hex receive 50% of these effects.

Damage: 300/400/800
Stun : 1.5/1.5/2.5 Seconds

Katarina - Forgotten Assassin

Sinister Blade - Katarina throws a dagger at the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage. When the dagger lands near the target Katarina teleports to it and immediately launches 3 additional daggers at the nearest enemies that each deal magic damage.

Dagger Damage: 50/75/150

Lee Sin - Nightbringer Skirmisher

Cripple - Lee Sin slams the ground, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing their attack speed by 50% for 4 seconds.

Damage: 225/350/700

Lulu - Hellion Mystic

Whimsey - Lulu casts an enchantment on the units nearest to her. If this enchants an ally, they gain bonus Attack Speed for 4 seconds. If this enchants an enemy, they are transformed into a docile feline for seconds, stunning them and causing them to take 20% increased damage.

Units: 3/3/5
Attack Speed: 30/60/100%
Duration: 2/2.5/4

Lux - Redeemed Mystic

Prismatic Barrier - Lux launches her wand toward her farthest ally, which returns to her shortly after reaching them. Lux and each ally touched by the wand are shielded for 3 seconds. Additionally, Lux empowers her next basic attack to deal an additional magic damage.

Shield: 150/225/400
Damage: 200/350/800

Morgana - Nightbringer Coven Mystic

Soul Shackles - Morgana fires chains to nearby enemies, dealing magic damage. After 3 seconds, all chained enemies are dealt additional magic damage and stunned for a few seconds.

Damage: 200/300/550
Additional Damage: 200/300/550
Stun: 2/3/4

Nidalee - Dawnbringer Skirmisher

Aspect of the Cougar - Nidalee transforms into a cougar, leaping behind her target. While in cougar form, Nidalee's attack range is reduced to 1 hex, she gains 45% dodge chance, and whenever she dodges her next attack deals bonus magic damage.

Damage: 150/250/450

Nocturne - Revenant Assassin

Umbra Blades - Passive: Every third attack, Nocturne slashes all adjacent enemies for 125% of his Attack Damage, and heals himself for a percentage of the damage dealt. If only one target is hit, Nocturne increases his Attack Speed by for 3 seconds.

Heal: 70/80/90%
Attack Speed: 20/30/60%

Nunu - Abomination Brawler

Consume - Willump bites his target, dealing magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 50% damage and becomes true damage.

Damage: 500/750/1500

Pantheon - Dragonslayer Skirmisher

Aegis Assault - Pantheon braces his shield, reducing all incoming damage by for 4 seconds, and dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage in the area in front of him over the duration.

Damage Reduction: 75/80/90%
Damage: 340/350/400%

Riven - Dawnbringer Legionnaire

Blade of the Dawn - Riven empowers her blade, stunning nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds while dealing magic damage. For the next 8 seconds, she gains bonus Attack Damage.

Damage: 100/200/350
Bonus Damage: 80/90/100%

Yasuo - Nightbringer Legionnaire

Burning Blade - Yasuo strikes his target, dealing magic damage. He then empowers his blade, gaining stacking bonus true damage on-hit for the rest of combat.

Damage: 300/400/600
True Damage: 30/40/60

Zyra - Draconic Spellweaver

Grasping Roots - Zyra sends a surge of vines toward the farthest enemy. Enemies hit by the vines are dealt magic damage and are stunned.

Damage: 250/350/700
Stun: 1.5/2/3

4 Cost

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Aphelios - Nightbringer Ranger

Dark Vigil - Aphelios launches multiple attacks simultaneously, one at his target and the rest at the enemies nearest to them, dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage to each.

Attacks: 4/4/8
Damage: 175/200/300%
Bonus Damage: 200/300/600

Diana - Dragonslayer Nightbringer Assassin

Moonfall - Diana calls forth moonlight, drawing in all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them for a few seconds.

Damage: 200/300/1500
Stun: 1.5/2/4

Draven - Forgotten Legionnaire

Spinning Axes - Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal a percentage of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage. It will return to his location after striking the target and if Draven catches it, it will refresh the buff. Draven can spin up to two axes at a time.

Damage: 200/220/500%
Bonus Damage:150/200/500

Ivern - Revenant Invoker Renewer

Daisy! - Ivern summons his Sentinel friend Daisy to fight with him, gifting her 100% of his Ability Power. Daisy immediately casts Shockwave upon arrival. If Daisy is already summoned, Ivern increases her Ability Power and commands her to cast Shockwave again.

Ability Power: 50/75/300%

Jax - Ironclad Skirmisher

Empowered Strike - Jax slams his target for a percentage of his Attack Damage and gains 33% stacking Attack Speed for the remainder of combat. Jax leaps to the nearest enemy if no target is in his Attack Range.

Damage: 200/220/300%

Karma - Dawnbringer Invoker

Soulflare - Karma fires a burst of energy towards a random enemy's location that detonates upon impact, dealing magic damage to adjacent enemies, and reducing Karma's maximum mana (down to a minimum of 10). Karma empowers every third cast, causing it to launch three bursts of energy toward different targets instead of one.

(Note: There are no numbers given for damage)

Mordekaiser - Dragonslayer Legionnaire

Infernal Rise - Mordekaiser shields himself for 50% of his maximum health for 5 seconds, empowering his mace to deal bonus magic damage and gain 1 hex of range for the same duration.

Damage: 450/600/5000

Rell - Redeemed Ironclad Cavalier

Attract and Repel - Rell leaps into the air, creating a tether between herself and her farthest ally. When she lands the tether is broken, granting all allies near and between them a shield for 4 seconds and stunning all enemies for seconds in the same area.

Shield: 350/500/3000
Stun: 2/2.5/8

Ryze - Forgotten Abomination Mystic

Flux Prison - Ryze imprisons the nearest enemy, dealing magic damage and stunning them for a few seconds. His next cast is then empowered to spread from his target, applying the same damage and stun to all enemies in a large area around the target.

Damage: 200/250/800
Stun: 1.5/2/4

Taric - Verdant Knight

Nature's Touch - All allies in a large area around Taric are healed and gain Armor for 5 seconds.

Heal: 500/750/5000
Armor: 50/75/500

Vel'Koz - Redeemed Spellweaver

Plasma Fission - Vel'Koz channels a ray of energy toward the enemy nearest to the center of the battlefield over 3 seconds, dealing total magic damage over the duration. The beam widens as Vel'Koz channels, and he will turn if there are no enemies in the area.

Damage: 700/1000/4000

5 Cost

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Darius - Nightbringer God-King Knight

God-Wolf's Carnage - Darius transforms into God-Wolf, becoming unstoppable and lunges towards a nearby enemy. God-Wolves join him, each targeting their own prey.
Enemies bitten by a God-Wolf are dealt a percentage of Darius's Attack and have their Armor reduced by 60% for 6 seconds. After biting his prey, Darius' next few attacks restore 10% of his maximum Health.

God Wolf Physical Damage: 250/350/5000%
Attacks: 3/4/10

Garen - Dawnbringer God-King Knight

God-Lion's Justice - Garen calls down a sword that strikes a large area around his target, dealing a percentage of each target's max Health in magic damage and reducing their Magic Resist by 60% for 6 seconds.
Garen gains a shield equal to 50% of his maximum Health for a few seconds.

Damage: 20/25/200%

Heimerdinger - Draconic Renewer Caretaker

Upgrade!!! - Heimerdinger empowers his Baby Dragon, causing its next attack to be overcharged, launching three fireballs across the battlefield, dealing magic damage while burning enemies for 3% of the their maximum Health as true damage over 6 seconds, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration.

If Heimerdinger does not have a turret, this spell will create one instead.

Damage: 250/400/7777

Kayle - Redeemed Verdant Legionnaire

Divine Ascent - Passive: Kayle ascends every few seconds, gaining additional bonuses.
1st: Attacks deal a percentage of Kayle's AD as bonus true damage.
2nd: Attacks explode around the target dealing her AD and bonus true damage to nearby enemies.
3rd: Every 7th attack grants Kayle damage immunity for 1 second.
4th: Hits cause swords to rain down, dealing magic damage.

Ascension Time: 5/4/1
1st Ascension: 70/80/1000%
4th Ascension: 250/400/10000

Kindred - Eternal Mystic Ranger

Lamb's Respite - Lamb creates a zone around herself that prevents allies within from falling below a Health threshold. While active, Wolf is invulnerable. Wolf's Ability: Wolf returns to Lamb, healing them both and then launches himself at the lowest health enemy, dealing magic damage.

Duration: 2.5/3/10
Health Threshold: 300/500/1000
Wolf Heal: 150/275/9999
Wolf Damage: 300/550/9999

Teemo - Cruel Hellion Invoker

Teemo's Cruelty - Teemo scatters Infernal Souls around a random enemy. When an enemy nears an Infernal Soul (or after 3 seconds), it explodes dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing their Attack Speed by 50%.

Infernal Souls: 4/6/66
Damage: 100/140/6666

(Note: Although Teemo falls under 5 Cost, he does cost Health)

Viego - Forgotten Skirmisher Assassin

Soverign's Domination - Viego corrupts his target's soul for 5 seconds, stunning them and dealing magic damage each second, increased by 100% each second. This will be interrupted if Viego is stunned. If his victim dies they are resurrected at full health to fight for him, but lose maximum health per second.

Viego's allies prefer to not target Viego's victim while they're being corrupted, and corrupted enemies benefit from your team's Traits rather than their original owner's Traits.

Damage: 150/250/10000
Max Health Loss:15/7/0%

Volibear - Revenant Brawler

Doombringer - Volibear leaps toward his target then slams the ground in a large area around him, removing any shields, dealing magic damage and knocking up and stunning enemies.

Damage: 150/250/5000
Stun: 2.5/3/10

Here is the Teamfight Tactics: Reckoning Pass contents and their costs

New Little Legends, Arenas, and Booms are coming in the new Pass

Alistar Barratt
Alistar Barratt

English Nerd, Linguistics Enthusiast, Meme Connoisseur, Coffee Reliant. Alistar is here to bring some freshly-baked news for your reading pleasure!

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