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Overwatch: hero 31 teasing

Overwatch: hero 31 teasing

Overwatch's hero 31 is taking longer and longer to arrive and we have few clues at the moment. The only ones we have is from July 11, when Jeff Kaplan announced that the new hero would be available a little later than expected, and especially that he would be a man.

Overwatch: hero 31 teasing

The summer of 2019 on Overwatch will not be quite the same as the 2018 version. At this same time of the year, a year ago, the new character Hammond (Wrecking Ball) had already been teased and announced by Blizzard. The community is concerned about this "delay" and Jeff Kaplan spoke to give answers to our questions on July 11 in his Developer Update. Elusive news but new anyway.

Hero 31 is going to be awesome, but he is going to be released a little bit later than you’re used to. He’ll be here soon enough, so don’t worry. We think a little bit of extra time is going to make the hero even more awesome.
Jeff Kaplan on Hero 31

Any clues?

We know that Blizzard like to have well-kept little secrets, and that hero 31 is definitely one of them. The community knows absolutely nothing and has only been able to imagine things, each potentially more absurd than the next. But Kaplan's statements have left something unfiltered that should not be overlooked.

  • Indeed, Kaplan uses the personal pronoun "he (is going to be awesome)". Theories are almost all in agreement that this hero will be a man, or at least a male entity.
  • This clue corroborates the theory that is very much in evidence for a few weeks now and that points out Mauga, Baptiste's former comrade-in-arms as being the new hero. But wouldn't that be too obvious? We saw him in the comic strip and also in the event dedicated to Baptiste which makes him almost "too much expected".

Anyway, according to Kaplan, we will have to wait a few more days before having new clues. But he promised that his new hero would be even more awesome. That's certainly what the whole Overwatch community is waiting for. Stay tuned!

Jeff Kaplan talks Patch 1.38, Summer Games and the new Overwatch hero

During the Developer Update of July 11, Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan announced several new features, including the upcoming Summer Games event. He also talked about Hero 31, and the reinforcement of cheat detection.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

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