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Overwatch: Sigma leak, Hero 31

Overwatch: Sigma leak, Hero 31

A screenshot of the new update had already revealed the identity of the new hero in Overwatch, but with the release of a short video we were able to learn a little more about this new character. His name should be Sigma, and he will be the much-anticipated 31st hero.

Overwatch: Sigma leak, Hero 31

Even if we know very little about Overwatch's potential future new hero 31, we have a strong clue because it's his name: Sigma. This one may well be the long-awaited new hero to be released this summer. It would also confirm the only clue we had until now, the fact that Jeff Kaplan had implied that this new hero was a man. A new video is teaching us a little more about Sigma.


Teasing videos

1st video

On Twitter, a video appeared as a Developer Update, subtitled: Popular Topics. If the video started normally with Jeff Kaplan welcoming us, the atmosphere changes very quickly while a kind of mini black hole appears in the middle of the screen distorting the whole video until creating a completely white background. A mysterious and tortured piano music then begins. Then Physics equations appear. The very short video ends with a distortion of the sound and more equations before everything disappears to reveal the Overwatch logo.

2nd video

The mystery remains important, but we continue on the momentum of the first trailer. A very scientific atmosphere and piano music are still present. On the other hand, Sigma — who may be his "number" and not his name — wears an orange suit here. Is he an experimental subject? In this case, what does it have to do with the alarm that sounds at the end of the video? Did he create a crazy machine? Or did he mess something up so he could get away? The mad scientist's thesis seems to be possible, but nothing certain yet!

Details and speculations

He looks like an older human, with marked features and black hair (with what looks like a white wick).

If we refer to his musical theme and his first teasing video, we can easily imagine a scientist or an astrophysicist, if we're interested in equations. Unknown until now, it will surely be linked to the mysteries that are numerous in the history of Overwatch. The black hole in the video brings him very close to Zarya. Could he be the scientist behind her weaponry? At least that's my hypothesis.

At the level of his abilities, a Redditer named ztokdo has three hypotheses, based on the equations shown in the video:

  • A grenade capable of bending projectiles, bullets and capacities around it
  • An anti-gravity wave that would lift the players up in the air
  • An ultimate that would protect projectiles and use them to buffer his team.
Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.