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LoL, TFT: Tristana and Volibear nerfed in Patch 9.14b

LoL, TFT: Tristana and Volibear nerfed in Patch 9.14b

Just a week after the huge 9.14 update, a new micro patch will be deployed on Wednesday. Brace yourselves, for Volibear and Tristana are being nerfed!

LoL, TFT: Tristana and Volibear nerfed in Patch 9.14b

The 9.14 Patch brought A TONS OF (damage) to Teamfight Tactics, perhaps too much. As a consequence, Riot Devs will push a micro-update on Wednesday in order to balance the current meta.

Say goodbye to Volibear and Tristana's domination, and expect the powerful comeback of Wild/Shapeshifters compositions thanks to the multiples buffs brought by this patch!

Teamfight Tactics


  • No one can deny that Mordekaiser seems a little off in the current meta, meaning this buff seems pretty event. Even though this Champion is not designed to be a hyper-carry, we need to admit that he never was actually powerful. It should not impact that much the current meta, but it might bring a second wind to Glacial/Phantoms/Rangers compositions.
  • Alongside Mordekaiser, Poppy's buff also seems relevant as the Champion definitely needs something to makes Yordles compositions viable. We're pretty sure this buff won't impact the meta that much, especially since Yordles aren't played that much. However, Riot Devs tend to be full of surprises...
  • VoliBrawlers and Assassins players, beware! Alongside Morellomonicon and Ahri's buff, Wild and Sorcerers traits should also be buffed — meaning the Wild/Sorcerers/Shapeshifter compositions will probably make a comeback within the God Tier.


  • Volibear and Tristana's nerfs are not a surprise at all. Both overpowered when built whiting specific compositions and items — we see you Cursed Blade — these two Champions are a nightmare to face. Also hit by nerfs, the Elementalist trait which lately became too powerful when combined with major traits such as Assassins or Demons.
  • Talking about Assassins, it also seems that Riot Devs finally figured out that a composition capable of one-shooting everyone else might be a little bit frustrating to play against. Brace yourselves, because their nerf is incoming!
  • Being completely over-powered when stacked, the Locket of the Iron Solari NEEDS to be nerfed. Come on, Three-Stars Morgana with three Lockets, don't you think a 900HP shield is a bit too much?!
TFT: 9.14 Patch introduces Twisted Fate & Ranked Mode!

All the latest patches that have been tested on the PBE are now live with the 9.14 Patch! Twisted Fate is joining the Board as the 51st Champion, Ranked Mode is now available, TONS OF (damage) balances and changes have been applied on champions, items, and traits. Discover all the details below!

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo