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TFT LoL — Ranked changes for Teamfight Tactics

TFT LoL — Ranked changes for Teamfight Tactics

Riot SapMagic recently tweeted about a few changes made to Ranked games in Teamfight Tactics. Say goodbye to demotion protection... it turns out it was not an intended feature.

TFT LoL — Ranked changes for Teamfight Tactics

A few weeks ago, Ranked games were made available in Teamfight Tactics. If you don't remember this dark era — where Aurelion Sol crushed everyone — you will find our dedicated article just here.

Otherwise, you might remember that promotion and relegation were tricky subjects. In the new League of Legends game mode, you're supposed to be demoted from your current division when you lose a game with 0 LP. In fact, a bug meant that some players were actually protected from getting demoted over the course of several games.

Well, brace yourselves — or burst into tears — because the bug has now been fixed!

Challenger and Grandmaster players are supposed to be demoted to Master when they end a day with 0 LP; then demoted to Diamond I if they lose at 0 LP. However, because there weren't enough Challenger or Grandmaster players, the demotion system was not working properly. This problem has now been addressed, and players shouldn't be protected from demotion anymore.

Overall, these changes were made across all ranked queues, not just TFT. Keep in mind that these tweaks might never be implemented on the live servers.

Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.16 Notes — Four New Champions and a Trait!

Patch 9.16 just hit Teamfight Tactics servers, introducing four new champions — Camille, Jayce, Vi, and Jinx — and their Trait: Hextech! Balance changes, new Little Legends, new Beta Pass — read on!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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