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TFT LoL — Patch 9.16 brings a new Beta Pass!

TFT LoL — Patch 9.16 brings a new Beta Pass!

Riot Mort just tweeted about it: the Teamfight Tactics Beta Pass will return with patch 9.16.

TFT LoL — Patch 9.16 brings a new Beta Pass!

The first Teamfight Tactics Beta Pass ended in July, thus putting a term to our delightful weekly and daily challenges. However, moving with patch 9.16, Riot will implement a new Beta Pass! According to the development team, the new Beta Pass will contain similar missions and prizes. Brace yourselves: if you didn't get the opportunity to obtain your Rift Arena, here is a second chance!

For all of us who already unlocked almost all the content from the previous Pass, this news seems a bit frustrating. However, Blake "Riot Beernana" Edwards explains that "we'll probably shake things up a bit after that." — meaning that we should soon see more "free stuff" raining on the Convergence.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo