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TFT LoL — Patch 9.16 adds URF Overtime mode!

TFT LoL — Patch 9.16 adds URF Overtime mode!

In order to prevent draws, Riot implemented a brand new feature with Teamfight Tactics patch 9.16: the URF Overtime Mode!

TFT LoL — Patch 9.16 adds URF Overtime mode!

Some might say that draws always have been frustrating in Teamfight Tactics — especially when they were suddenly breaking your win-streak despite a deep feeling that you weren't actually losing. Well, Riot seemingly heard you, recently declaring in Patch 9.16 notes that they "don’t like draws. They aren’t fun."

To prevent draws from happening, Riot implemented a new feature: the URF Overtime!

So now, 30 seconds in to every battle, URF Overtime kicks in and speeds things up for 15 seconds. Draws are still possible but there should be a lot less of them.

URF Overtime Mode

• 30 seconds into every battle the URF Overtime bonus will activate.
• 300% Attack Speed
• 200% Ability Damage
• 66% reduced Crowd Control duration
• 66% Healing Reduction
• 30% increased affection towards maritime mammals.

Obviously, we're all thinking about these immortal three-items Braum endlessly fighting each other until the draw. Let's just hope this new Overtime feature will actually avoid this kind of situation...

Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.16 Notes — Four New Champions and a Trait!

Patch 9.16 just hit Teamfight Tactics servers, introducing four new champions — Camille, Jayce, Vi, and Jinx — and their Trait: Hextech! Balance changes, new Little Legends, new Beta Pass — read on!

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo