Blizzcon 2019 tickets are on sale offering two Overwatch exclusive skins
Blizzcon 2019 tickets are on sale offering two Overwatch exclusive skins
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By Clémence "Idril" Lemoal
Blizzcon 2019 is getting closer and as a gift for the purchase of the Virtual Ticket, two skins — one for Genji and one for Symmetra — will be available on Overwatch!
Blizzcon will take place on November 1-2 at the Anaheim Convention Center. During this weekend, you'll be able to support the team USA during the Overwatch World Cup. The Virtual Ticket is already on sale and you can unlock many rewards, especially for Overwatch!
Two skins will be available to celebrate Azeroth's 25th anniversary:
Illidan Genji
Tyrande Symmetra
You'll recognize two of World of Warcraft's iconic heroes — which will be available in the game soon!
Shanghai Dragons, Philadelphia Fusion, Houston Outlaws, Toronto Defiant, Boston Uprising... All these teams have one thing in common: recent changes have been made to their rosters. Here's what is going on in roster-shuffle season.