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LoL, TFT — Set 2 Rise of the Elements brings new champions & items

LoL, TFT — Set 2 Rise of the Elements brings new champions & items

League of Legends tenth anniversary was also the opportunity for Riot Games to announced a lot of different changes that will soon impact Teamfight Tactics! Alongside the Set 2 — Rise of the Elements — we should expect champion and item rotations!

LoL, TFT — Set 2 Rise of the Elements brings new champions & items

If you missed the announcement made during League of Legends tenth anniversary livestream, here is a little summary of what we should expect for the upcoming months:

  • Teamfight Tactics Set 2 is named 'Rise of the Elements' and it will blast onto the Convergence on November 5
  • It will be shipped to the PBE for testing on October 22...
  • ... then implemented to live servers alongside Patch 9.22
  • The Ranked Season will end at the same moment than Patch 9.21
  • TFT will be ported to mobile along 2020

All new champions, origins and classes

A legion of new champions, origins and classes has just been revealed

Several new champions, origins, and classes have just been revealed! They will be implemented in Teamfight Tactics alongside Set 2 — Rise of the Elements.

Possible Set 2 Champions

We still don't know exactly which champions or items will rotate out or in alongside 'Rise of the Elements'. However, thanks to the screen above, we're able to make some guess...


  • Renekton — ??? / Blademaster
  • Jax — Noble / Brawler
  • Nasus — ??? / Brawler
  • Syndra — Void / Sorcerer
  • Thresh — Phantom / Guardian
  • Yorick — Phantom / Sorcerer
  • Vladimir — Demon / Sorcerer
  • Nautilus — ??? / Elementalist

You might have noticed that Aurelion Sol seems to have received a new skin... Considering the interview we had with RiotMort a couple of months ago, it might be a clue that our beloved Dragon will receive new Origins!

Also, the arrival of Nasus and Renekton might announce the introduction of new Origins, or even a new Class! In a fashion way to DOTA Underlords, perhaps Teamfight Tactics will soon have its own Gods...

Regarding League of Legends' lore, Aurelion Sol and Pantheon would be perfect candidates to integrate into this theoretical trait.

We should also point out that Thresh is wearing is 'Deep Terror' skin. Added to the fact that Nautilus should also be added to the game, we might expect a Bilgewater Origin...

However, all of these statements are hypotheses — at least for now. See you in the Convergence on October 22 to check if we were correct about that!

One more row and some balance changes are coming!

It was one of the main complaints of most Teamfight Tactics players, but don't worry: RiotMort and his team are working on it! Starting with Set 2 on November 5, the Convergence's boards will evolve to welcome one more row!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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Patch 10.16 ready: Galaxies Items & Builds Cheat Sheet
10.5 Ready: Rise of the Elements Items & Builds Cheat Sheet
Patch 10.16 ready: Galaxies Champion Cheat Sheet